What details? I don't know what you're talking about..
Selena: Oh cut the bullshit you know exactly what we're talking about
Okay fine. What do you want to know
Olivia: How were the two dates with Tom?
Zendaya: And are you two official yet??
Selena: And when is date number three???
Okay. The two dates were amazing, no we are not officially dating and I don't know when is the next date we haven't talked about it.
Olivia: Okay I suggest we all go to cami's house and drink while she tells us all the juicy details
There aren't any "juicy details" to tell but I am not turning drinks down.
Selena: Sounds great be there in 15
Zendaya: Same
Olivia: Great see you there! xx
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Liked by hazosterfield, tomholland2013 and 569,932 others @itsliv: night in with my favorite girls <3 p.s:@selenagomez was busy getting us drinks so she's not in the picture but I promise she's here Tagged: @zendaya and @camilagomez Comments: 402,739
@hazosterfield: where was our invite?? @tomholland2013 @lifeisaloha -> @tomholland2013: Yeah we're deeply hurt
@lifeisaloha: I understand not inviting Tom and Harrison but me? I'm the coolest.
@username: stars... they're just like us, not getting invited to social events by their own friends -> @zendaya: this comment made my day
@selenagomez: I guess Harrison tom and Jacob don't get the idea of girls night... -> @camilagomez: agreed but also not surprised, they're not the sharpest pencils in the pencil case