I was jus waking around the beach in LA with Harrison being the tourists we are when my manager called me "yo mike whats going on?" I answer
"everything is good how about you tom?"
"All good, so why are you calling?"
"Well I got an offer from a certain music video director called Grant Singer and he was asking about you"
"Me? What do I have to do with music videos?"
"That's exactly what I was thinking until he explained that he is directing a music video for a really big pop star and they are looking for an actor to appear in her music video and you were one of the names she said when asked who she wanted"
"Wow really? That's so cool who is the singer?"
"Camila Gomez"
"Holy shit for real?"
I saw Harrison giving a look of confusion not understanding why i was so excite suddenly
"For real tom. So would like me to agree to grant and tell him you're in? I know he has other options so we need to be quick here"
"Yes! Tell him I'll do it!"
"Will do. Have a good day tom I'll text you more details when I have them"
"Alright thanks mike"
When I ended the call I jumped up and down a few times because I was so excited for this. "Mate What was this call about? I'm guessing good news?" Harrison said. "The best news haz, it was mike and he was telling Camila fucking Gomez asked for me to appear on her next music video!" I said the smile on my face not fading. "Are you for real? That's so cool that she asked for you." He said getting excited now as well "hasn't she been your celebrity crush for the past two years now?" He asked. "Maybe" I said giving him a light shove so he would stop talking.
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Liked by: hazzosterfield, camilagomez and 873,479 others @tomholland2013: got some really exciting news today while being a tourist by the beach so I had to celebrate. Thanks haz for being my photographer @hazzosterfield Comments: 753,583
@zendaya: you're in LA and you don't have me as your tourist guide? Smh.
@hazzosterfield: damn this a good pic. Great photographer.
@camilagomez: I think I know what these good news are ;-)
Me and Harrison were just finishing up at the beach and getting ready to head back to the car because we told Zendaya and Jacob that we'd have dinner with them as we were all in LA at the moment. When we were really close to the car I noticed that there is a few paparazzis following me and Harrison. "Damn it" I groaned "what's wrong?" Harrison asked "it's just those damn paparazzis, they're so annoying." I said getting frustrated "it like we can't just have a normal day outside without being worried that we're being photographed".
"I get it dude but it's worth it right? I mean you're living your dream. So what if there's a little paparazzis following us just ignore them" he said patting my shoulder "I guess you're right" I said just as we got to the car. We got in and started driving.
After driving for about 20 minuets we got to the place where we told Jacob and Zendaya we'd meet for dinner so u parked and we got out and walked quickly to the restaurant seeing as there's already paparazzis outside. How do they even know we're here?
When we got inside I saw Zendaya and Jacob already sitting there talking. "Hey guys whats up?" I say giving them both hugs as Harrison did the same "all good bro how bout you?" Jacob asked and before I answered Zendaya said "we know he's doing good didn't you see his Instagram post today?" She said as she smirked at me and I just laughed lightly.
"So are you gonna tell us the good news and how they are related to Camila Gomez?" She asked me. "Well if you must know" I said and made short pause "I'm going to be in her music video!" I said and Zendaya and Jacob both smiled. "Really that's insane! She's so hot" Jacob said and Zendaya gave him a light shove "you mean she's so pretty and talented" she said "how did you even manage to score a thing like that" she said teasing me.
"Excuse you? Did you forget I'm Spider-Man? I can have any role I want" I said teasing her back. "Sure" she said sarcastically "well this is really cool for you, you're gonna love her she's so sweet and down to earth" she said "how do you know that?" Haz asked "I've hung out with her a few times we have each other's numbers" she said "really?" I asked "Yeah Tom I'm way cooler than you I have some cool contacts in my phone" she said teasing me again. "Well I have rdj's number I think that's pretty cool" I said.
"Whatever we get it you're both cool let's order some food I'm hungry" Jacob said and Harrison nodded and agreed with him. We ordered our food and had a really nice dinner. When we left the restaurant the paparazzi took pictures of us leaving as usual and a few hours later there was another article that me and Zendaya are dating. They just don't get that guys and girls can be just friends do they?.