"Come on just tell me what happened with you and Tom yesterday!!" Olivia yelled at me
She and zendaya are currently at my house trying to find details about tom and i's "date" yesterday. "Guys I'm telling nothing happened he just asked me out for a coffee it wasn't a date"
"I call bullshit Cami and you I'm right" zendaya said "we all know Tom likes you and you like him so that makes yesterday a date" she said and Olivia nodded
"Did he pay for the coffee?" Olivia asked and I nodded " and did he open all the doors for you and all that?" She asked and I nodded once again rolling my eyes seeing where she's going with this
"All those make yesterday a date I'm telling you Cami he saw it as a date for sure"
"Whatever you say z" I say rolling my eyes again "can we just stop talking about this and watch the movie?" I asked getting tired of talking about me tom, they agreed and we just watched the movie that was on the tv.
"Haz can you chill I'm sure she didn't see yesterday as a date" I say getting tired of hearing Harrison list the reason of how me and Camila went on a "coffee date" yesterday.
"I'm telling you tom she so wants it to be a date" he said getting frustrated "how can you still not think she's into you? Did you not hear the freaking song she wrote for you?!"
"I don't know Harrison I'm just scared I'll ask her out and she'll reject me for some reason I mean did you see her she can date literally every guy she wants she's actually perfect"
"Mate she wants to be with you I'm sure of it. If you ask her out I know she'll say yes and you know it as well" he said and then his eyes lit up like he was getting an idea
"Ugh I don't like this look it's your 'I have a genius idea' look and it's never genius" I groaned
"No this is literally so genius you need to text Cami right now and ask her out tonight and then you'll see that she'll say yes"
"Uhhh let me think about it" I say sarcastically "oh look at that I thought about it and the answer is no"
"Tom you have to do it!" He exclaimed "if you don't ask her out soon some other guy will and then you'll be posed you missed your chance"
"Still not doing it haz" I say "what if she says no then it will ruin our friendship"
"I told like five thousand times she'll say yes plus if you won't do it I'll take your phone and do it for you" He said looking serious
"Okay fine I'll text her and ask her to go to dinner today" I say giving up and agreeing to Harrison's 'plan'.
Hey Cami, I was wondering if you were busy tonight?
Cami: Nope not doing anything
So would you like to go out for dinner together?
Cami: Yeah sure that sounds nice
Great! It's a date I mean a friendly date but if you want it could be a real date is up to you
Cami: It's a date tom :)
"Haz she actually said yes!! We're going on a date!!!" I yelled getting exited
"You see? I told you she'll say yes" he said shaking his head and smiling.
"Holy shit I need to get ready" I said realizing I need to look good and then getting up from the couch and running to my room to start getting ready.
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Liked by zendaya, lifeisaloha and 852,083 others @tomholland2013: getting ready for tonight! Comments: 730,724