12. I ship it

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*group chat*

Yo guys we should hang out together it feels like ages since we've been all together

Yesssss I miss some of you guys!
Not all of you though, looking @ you haz and Tom.....

Well Vanessa is out for the day and I have nothing better to do so I'm in

So we're your second option tom?

Oh yeah for sure, you're like the fifth option Harrison

Shut up both of you and let's meet up at my houseeee


When they all got to my house we sat around in my living room just talking to each other with the tv on in the background.

"Hey Cami do you know what?" Jacob asked as I was in mid conversation with Tom

"No jacob I do not know what" I reply looking at him now instead of tom

"You haven't showed me and Harrison the rest of your place" he says and Harrison nodded agreeing "we've only seen the kitchen living room and guest bathroom"

"He's right I want to see the rest" Harrison added.

"Well the rest is just a spare bedroom and her master bedroom so it's not that exciting guys" Zendaya said and I agreed with her

"You know now that I'm thinking about it I only saw your room from the outside" tom said "so I want to see it from the inside today".

"Sure you do" Harrison said and smirked, tom blushed a tiny bit, I think... and then said "shut up haz".

"Whatever guys get up I'll show you the rest of the apartment" I say getting up from the couch and going towards the hallway to show them the rest of the rooms.

They get up after me and walk behind me while zendaya stayed seated seeing as she already has seen my house a few times. We get to the entrance of the spare room and I show them around it and then we go into my room.

"I'm sorry it's a little messy I wasn't really excepting anyone to come in here today except me" I say blushing a little embarrassed when I see bras and t shirts lying around the room and pick them up quickly putting them in the laundry basket.

"Don't worry we're all way messier then you" tom assured me.

"Okay so now that I've seen it I'm gonna go to the bathroom if you'll excuse me" Jacob said.

When he went out of the room Harrison spoke up "where is your closet in this room?" He said looking around searching for it.

"Well it's right behind this door over here" I say opening a door that leads to the walk in closet.

Both the boys walk in and there mouths open wide I'm guessing because of the size of the closet which is pretty big but it makes sense considering all the clothes and shoes I own.

"This is crazy" tom says and Harrison agrees. They both walk up to a big bag that's sitting in the middle of the closet "what's this?" Harrison asks

"Oh that's actually really cool" I say looking at the bag "I just got these two new coats and they're insane, they're just so cool" I say taking them out of the bag and showing them

"These are huge Cami there's no way they fit you, they look my size" tom says

"Well tommy you aren't that much bigger than me" I say with a sarcastic tone.

Tom shakes his head at me and grabs one of the jackets and puts it on and I put the other one on as he stands beside me "how do we look haz?" Tom asks

"You look like a matching couple or some shit like that" he says smiling and pulling out a camera starting to take pictures of us.

"Why are you doing?"

"What does it look like Cami? I'm capturing a moment"

I shake my head but then go with him and start posing for the camera. After he takes a few pictures he shows them to us and I ask him to send it to me and Tom asks as well.


Liked by zendaya, itsliv and 872,694 others@camilagomez: this is the first time that @tomholland2013 is actually taller than me

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Liked by zendaya, itsliv and 872,694 others
@camilagomez: this is the first time that @tomholland2013 is actually taller than me...
Pic cred: @hazosterfield

Comments: 732,924

@zendaya: so this is what you guys are doing while I'm waiting on the couch alone??

@tomholland2013: hey! I'm always taller than you!!

@selenagomez: #newcouple? Cuz I ship this

@camilagomez: @selenagomez keep on dreaming sis....


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