Sugar cube

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I walk up to a nice building that look identical to my house which is just next door. This place is so lame, every house looks the same, unlike the houses in Wella, where every house is fun and colorful. I guess this place isn't that bad though, since I have a super hot neighbor. I need to stop.
He is staring at me, come on Ann make conversation, don't be known as the weirdo.
"Ummmm you're staring" omg please don't tell I just said that to him
Of course I did
"Oh right, well got to go, bye" he answers as he gives me one of his smiles, his dreamy smiles.
"Ok umm bye god why do I have to be so weird"
"Don't worry I think we are all weird" HE HEARD ME!!!!!!!!
" YOU HEARD ME!!!" I scream
"You bet, Sugar cube" he winks
"Did you hear anything else" I ask
"No but I am very offended, I thought we were friends, you should trust me more" he places and hand over his heart.
"Ummmmm we just met"
" well I think we hit things off, off pretty well" inching closer, I can feel his breath on my neck.
"W-what makes you that"
"Well I can tell from you tomato cheeks" he answers
"WHAT!" I say way to loudly
"Duh, I am the god of handsomeness, I can get girls to do what ever I want, even you" he pokes me nose
"Ummm" oh god say something
"Sugar cube, you clearly, can't focus on me, what is going in that head of yours, not dirty thoughts I hope"
"I got to go, bye" I don't even wait for his answer, I speed off.
When I am same at home, lock the front door, and sign. I walk into the living room, with my mom staring at me like she is just just killed someone and now my life is about to end.
"So, who was that boy, you were talking to, he seems nice" I choke on air, I welcome death.

Hey guys, omg I love the mom. I hope Ann doesn't die.
I have a 4 day weekend so I will probably upload more, but no promises.

Love, Sweettart 😉

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