Queen Bee

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I wake up to a pounding headache, struggling to sit up, but when I do

I look around me, this looks like Ms Griffinclaw's office

"sweetie, glad you are finally awake, your friends have been really worried about you and Emily" Ms Griffinclaw says

"Emily is she ok" I ask

"yes, yes, now go and find your friends, don't worry Emily is in great hands" she says

I stand, feeling my legs burn, refusing to stop, I grab the door handle and leave the office

"Ann" Taylor cried out

"hey" I said weakly

"how are you feeling" She asks

"not my best, but ok" I say truthfully

"we have been so worried about you" she says

then whispering

"mainly Ace"

I smile to myself, he is just the best

"Ann" Jake yells running up to me

"is Emily ok" He asks

I nod

I take a good look at him, his face looks tired, and he has bags under his eyes

"will she be ok" He whispers, I think he is talking to himself

"yes of course, don't worry so much" I say gripping onto his shoulders, giving his support

I feel so bad for him if something happened to Ace I don't know what I would do


We grab food and sit at our normal lunch table

Zac tries to make conversation but fails

The table is dead silent

Everyone is tired and worried, mainly Jake

no one touched their food, Barely taking bites from my own plate

Hearing Heals heading our way

I turn and sign

If it isn't Queen Bee herself

putting on a semi-nice face I smile bitterly

unlike me Taylor glares and says

"what do you want bitch"

"oh me, well I just wanted to talk to Jake" she says, looking down at her hot pick nails

the color making me want to gag

"what" Jake signs

"Well I want to let you know, I am so sorry for what happened to Emily" She says walking away

My hands which were now fists, try to go in for a punch but Zac stops me

"don't worry we will get our revenge" He says

"I am going back to my room" Jake says and walks away

"I hate Amelia" Andrew says

"me too" I says

"we need to get her back" Taylor says

"but how, Miss suck up Queen Bee over there just made Jake feel bad, so I say we kill her" I growl

"jeez, now lets not commit murder, but I like you idea still" Ace says

"maybe we should seek up into her room, and rip all her dresses" I says

"no, she is a spoiled brat, she probably would just buy more" Taylor says

"we should humiliate her and record it, so we can post it online" Andrew says

I nod

I like it

Queen Bee is so going down

Hey wonderful Sweetarts

I undated, Yayyyy

I hoped you liked it

I am currently sick and dead inside, so go for me


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