I am a what!!!

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I can't choose!
Zac looks at me and his eyes begging me to choose him.
I look back at Ace. His eyes lure me in. He makes me want to give up anything to be with him
But Zac
Who do I choose
"Miss Vesta, you have to choose now"
"I am sorry I can't" I say
"Well I shall put you with The great Artemis, chosen by both Artemis and Apollo is quite a treat, you are something special." Mrs Giffinclaw says
There are a bunch of whines and complaints from the Apollo side
"Well Apollo has the most amount of people so she shall represent Artemis"
My team cheers. I smile but when I look at ace, I see sadness and hurt, my heart breaks. Did I make the wrong choice. I mean it really wasn't my choice really.
"The knew 7 please follow me, we shall discover your powers" Mrs Piggie says. Turning around expecting us to follow.
"Come on" Mrs Griffinclaw says following Mrs. Piggie
As we walk into the arena which is huge
We all line up in a row. I feel someone grab my hand. I hope it's Ace. Oh it's Zac. I mean I like Zac as a friend but Ace, I am head over heals. I feel another person grab my arm. Ace, he sends tingles through my arm.
I squeeze his hand letting him know I am sorry.
"Ace, would you like to start" Mrs Piggie asks
"Sure" he steps forward
"I want you to go top the other side of Mrs Giffinclaw, she will attack you are you will try to block it, just relax. This will show us your powers. If you are a dragon rider, your dragon will either come to you, or a random dragon will come to your rescue meaning that you are not ready for a dragon or lastly a egg over there will start to glow, meaning that you are ready for a dragon" Mrs Piggie explains, pointing at the shelf with many eggs.
"Are you ready Ace" Mrs Griffinclaw ask
Ace nods
She attacks. She starts slowly throwing fire at him.
He dodges and shots ice.
She dodges are throws a dagger at him.
He turns into a... A...a
After a bit there seems to be no new powers showing up.
"I am a werewolf?" He ask
"Guess so"
Then it was Emily. She is a Angel and a healer which is very rare.
Andrew was next.
He discovers he is not a dragon rider,he has water powers.
"Guess you aren't a dragon rider" Taylor says
Then Taylor had to go up next.
She is a dragon rider with a little fire power.
Jake is a devil and a angel. His wings are black but he has feathers.
Zac is just a Cedasu with electricity powers
Now it's my turn.
She attacks with daggers and arrows, I use wind to blow them forwards her. Then she shoots fire, I turn into a tiger? Wait what. Then I turn back into a human. She starts to attack faster. Then I am in the sky with huge white wings. She attacks again with a sword, I don't know how to fly so i am struggling. Then a egg starts to glow. When i land on the ground everyone is shocked.
'This has never happened before, no one has had more than 2 powers, yet you, you have 4" Taylor says
"Wait Karrianne try to turn into something' Mrs Piggie says
I try to turn into a butterfly and it worked, it feels so weird so I turned back into a human.
"You are a shape shifter, the last time there was a shape shifter was 1 million years ago" Mrs Griffinclaw points out.
"This is weird" I say
"I knew it was the right choice to bring you here, you my daring is going to save to world" Mrs Griffinclaw
"What do you mean" I ask
"Nothing darling" Mrs griffinclaw says
Umm weird.
Creepy teacher

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