Sleeping beauty

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I stay with Emily for the rest of the day, not wanting to leave knowing that Emily could wake up any second. What is going on in that beautiful head. Even thought the guys keep telling me it's not my fault I can't help it, my baby is in fucking coma because of some shit I pulled. I am an awful boyfriend.
"Emily please wake up" I whisper
In my head, imagine her suddenly sitting up, telling me everything is ok, then kissing the living daylights out of me.
Shaking my head. I know she isn't waking up anytime soon
Grabbing ahold of her hand, I gently kiss the top
Lacing our fingers together, and giving it a squeeze, hoping to get a squeeze back
No luck
Why does life have to fucking hate me so much
No response
Of course there is no response
I am fucking  delusional
Great now I won't stop swearing in my head
If Emily was awake she would tell me everything is fine, that shit happens for a reason
I lay my head down on the bed, and think
What could I have done, why was I so stupid, why can't I be better, like Ace?
His and Ann's relationship is prefect
No flaws
Then there is me
No talent
Emily deserves better
Way better
"Ummm, Jake are you okay" a small voice says
I turn around to meet the eyes of Karrianne Vesta
I didn't even hear her open the door
"Jake, hello" waving a hand in my face
"Ya, I'm fine"
"Well we wanted to check on you, you seem really down" she says
"It's fine" I lie
"You feel like it's your fault right?" She asks
The emotion in her eyes, I can't lie, feeling myself nod
"Oh Jake, I'm sorry" she whispers
"It's fine, it's not your fault"
"It's not yours either y-"
I cut her off
"It is my fault, if I hadn't ran off, Emily would be ok, I am in love with her, seeing her in pain hurts, hurts a whole lot Karrianne, I would trade spots with her in a instant" I rant
"Jake, Liston to me, it wasn't your fault, Emily loves you, that's why she did what she did" Ann carefully explains
I stare at my princess in the bed, whose eyes were closed, I stare and keep on staring not wanting to look away
Karrianne sighs, setting down a plate full of food
"Just remember to eat Jake" she says, right before walking out
That night, I cried
I cried myself to sleep
I sobbed
I was in love with sleeping beauty
I was in love with the princess in the bed

Hey y'all
Wanted to write in Jake perspective
Hoped u liked it,
Byeeeeeee my fellow sweet-tarts

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