Not Now, Not Ever

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Now it's just Jake, Andrew and me. We are just talking and having fun, no harm done right? Well until we start talking about girls. Jake of course was talking about how, he won't be able to protect Emily. She has him wrapped around her little finger. He really cares about her.
Once I caught the making out in my bedroom, let's say the sheets were never heard from again, because I watched them burn in the fire.
"Dude, Emily has it bad for you, just calm down" Andrew says trying very hard to comfort Jake.
"B-but w-what if they c-come after h-her and I won't be a-able to p-protect her" Jake says his hands shaking uncontrollably
"Help me Ace" Andrew says, getting up to get food
"Look Jake, you have to know that Emily is super strong, remember the first time you met her, when you tried to flirt with her. You played with her hair, then got kicked, where the sun doesn't shine" I chuckle, thinking about it. Emily really knew how to take care of herself
Jake laughs "thanks dude that makes me feel a lot better"
"I know I am the best"
"Now I didn't say that did I"
Andrew comes with a lot of snacks. Like a lot, but nothing we can't handle, because we are growing men, and that's what makes us manly.

"You know you guys are lucky, that you like a girl, I just can't find a girl that makes me want to be a better me" Andrew says sadly

"you know you guys are lucky because you can date whoever you like, I can't" I say grimly

"sorry bro, I am just upset that you have Ann, and Jake has Emily" Andrew replies

"but what about Zac, he doesn't seem to have anyone but he is still happy" i say

Jake and Andrew looks at each other, not saying anything. Then I realize that

Zac likes...


He was upset when he asked if I was thinking about Ann. He has been talking about her all day. He was smiling at her all day. He would always sit next to her.

"he likes Ann doesn't he" I say, venom dripping from those words

"ya" Jake and Andrew say grimly

"well he can't have her She is MINE!" even I am shocked I said that. I have known Zac for over 10 years, and here I am letting a girl come between us. The thing is I really like Ann and I don't want to see her with enough guy, and that includes my Best friend.

Andrew speaks up "Dude I know you like her but she isn't yours or Zac's, and plus Zac is a Cedasu too, so he can't date her either"

"i know it's hard for you too watch the girl you like hang out with Zac, but remember that she isn't yours or his, I know it's hard but she isn't your girlfriend" Jake finishes

those words hit me. I realize that I really like Ann, and she has no idea. She isn't even my girlfriend. Maybe she likes Zac and not me. He makes her laugh. Her laugh, is sweet, it just makes you want to smile. Her eyes are just like the ocean, you just get lost in the sea in her eyes. she is so pretty, and that's why I can't let Zac have her. I love her. I won't ever stop fighting for her. I need to be there to protect her. When I first met her, if you asked me if I liked her, the answer would be i barely know her, but now all I can see is her. I know someone will tell me that I only met her 2 days ago but all I can see is her. She is my everything. I am just afraid. yes afraid, I don't care if you say Ace isn't scared of anything, but the truth is I am scared that I will loose her. I will wake up and find out that this was all a dream.

"dude, you keep blanking out on us tonight" Andrew says

"hopefully you aren't undressing Ann in your mind" Jake says chuckling. Seeing that he is making me turn lightly pink.

"you really like her don't you" Andrew says shaking her head

"ya I really do, it's just like I see her everywhere, every little thing reminds me of her" I say, remembering the first time I made her smile

"I know how it feels, every time Emily smiles, it makes me happy" Jake says smiling

"trust me we all know" I say

"ya, like the time we found you guys in my parent's room, both naked making out" Andrew says

"or the time you guys were making out in my room" I say

Jake is now red as a tomato. "shut up"

Now everything is back to normal, us laughing and having fun, but the thing is that I was thinking about Ann. Does she like me or not. Should I just let Zac have her since she might like Zac not me.



Lets say that we decided to do something stupid, we were playing hid and seek in the dark at Taylor's house. Why I really have no idea. We were having a great time until Taylor fell and skinned her knee. Don't worry Emily decided it was the perfect time to show us, wait no me her powers. I watch her hand start to glow, I watch as sparkles fall onto Taylor's knee. The scratches slowly disappear, until it was good as new, like nothing happened.

"that is so cool" I say

"I know right, so if I ever get hurt, I can just have Emily fix me up" Taylor says hugging Emily tightly.

"come on lets get inside, before one of you guys get hurt again, plus Taylor you know that at night it is very dangerous for us" Emily glancing a Taylor

"you're right" Taylor says, pulling us in and locking the door

"wait what do you guys mean" I ask

"well, ever since war broke out, we don't really go out at night, because it's very dangerous and they could attack us when we aren't paying attention" Taylor says looking down at her feet

"and the thing is" Emily starts to speak, there is a hint of guilt in her voice "the demons try to hunt down the people we love" her fist balled up, and her knuckles turning white

"no" my voice turning to a whisper "we can't let the boys get hurt" I can't let Ace get hurt. I just met him and I can't loose him, not without a fight. I won't loose him. Not now, not ever.

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