This is getting old

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What was Ann going to tell me? We haven't really spoke to each other since she is always with Light Wing, she is obsessed with that little guy.
"Hey baby" a voice purrs from behind.
This voice I despise most
Her name makes me want to barf
"What do you want" I say
Stupid me, I asked the wrong question, I should know that by now.
"You" she giggles
Yuck even she giggles sounds fake, unlike Ann's giggles, which are cute and not forced
"Acey-poo" she whines, grabbing onto my arm.
I snatch my arm away from her and walk away.
She starts to follow me.
I start to run. Thankfully she wasn't able to catch me. Ha loser, she wore freaking 3 inch heels.
Then when I walk into the lunch room, I see Ann?
Hugging Zac?
I walk over and push the apart.
"Hey, why did you do that" Zac says
I say nothing
"Ace, it's fine I just needed some comfort, and I thought Zac could help me out with something" Ann explains
What, I can help. Why in the world would she go to Zac for comfort. I thought we had a connection.
I don't say a word. I turn my back.
"Ace what did I do" Ann asks,grabbing my arm
"Are you really that stupid, you really have no clue? You know what you are the worst friend ever, I wish we never met. Stay away from me" I say walking away not looking back once. Not even once. My heart aches from the words that just came out of my mouth. Why did I just say that, of course Ann doesn't know you stupid. You coward didn't even tell her.
I need a break

What did I just do. I was just going to ask Zac if he thinks Ace likes me because they are best friends.
I see Ace walking away. My heart shatters. We aren't friends anymore. I feel my knees crumble and I fall onto the ground. Zac hugs me, but it doesn't help. I just cry and keep on crying.
Taylor and Emily try help me and ask if I want to go shopping . I refuse, instead I go to the girls bathroom and pour my heart out.
I finally decide to just talk to him.
I walk out into the garden and I start to have second thoughts
Maybe he doesn't want to see you
No I have to talk to him
Remember you guys aren't even friends
Shut up
Ha loser
I finally see him. He is with a girl
Not just any girl
What the fudge sticks
I see Amelia go in for a kiss
My heart hopes he pushed her away
He doesn't
He kisses her back
My heart pounds, threatening to fall.
Taylor and Emily find me. At first they don't understand, until their eyes land on Ace.
Emily walks up to him and
Slaps him in the face. He looks stunned. His eyes land on me, I bet I look awful just awful.
"Ann" His voice cracks, so does my heart
I don't respond
"Ann please let me explain" he begs
"I don't care, well not anymore" I say
"But why" he says
"Because,because this is getting old" I say and walk away. Tears now falling down my face like a waterfall. I dry my eyes and try to make my face not look like a ballon.
I run into Zac.
"Hey Ann,I know this isn't the best time to ask " he says nervously
"It's fine"
"Do you want to go on a date with me" he slurs all his words together,
I mean don't like Zac, correction I only like Zac as friend. Should I say no? Well I might be able to get my mind off of Ace for a bit. Plus he has Amelia he doesn't need me.
"Sure, what time" I say

I kiss Amelia because my heart aches. Why did she go to Zac just why? Why am I upset this is all my fault, she just hugged him , no big deal. I was breaking on the inside and wanted Ann, but I was mad, so I kissed Amelia. Eww she tastes like eggs and garlic. Disgusting.
Then I see Emily. I was about to say hi but then SHE SLAPS ME. WHY?
I see Ann, her eyes filled with tears. She eyes hold confusion, hurt and something I don't recognize. This is all my fault.
"Ann" my voice cracks and so does my heart. I know this was all my fault. All of it.
She doesn't respond which makes me feel worse.
"Ann please let me explain" I beg.
"I don't care,well not anymore" she states. I feel the last part of my heart crack and break.
"But why" I ask. I must know. Ann doesn't give up
"Because, because this is getting old" she says, now tears are spilling down her face. She walks away. Away from me
Away from a monster.
"This is all your fault" Taylor growls
"You deserves to be slapped 100 times worse." Emily spats
Which shocks me, we have been friends for years and now Emily and Taylor are here yelling at me. I can see why, this was all my fault.
"You done to this to her so many times" Taylor says
"But she also hugged Zac" I defend my part, but even I know I am going to loose
"Ya and you kissed AMELIA, hugs and kisses are two completely different things Ace" Emily screams
They walk away, and leave me standing there. Alone, filled with

Hi guys,
Hoped u guys liked it. I feel so bad for Ace and Ann. I feel like I shouldn't be so mean to my characters.
Nah, I like being mean.
Till next time

Btw. Go read it's not meant for me by my friend Derpy_Da_Bear . The book is AWESOME.

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