Tell the truth

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I don't say a word. My friends look at me and look back at that monster, with confused faces on. This couldn't be happening, Ace will find out that I am a freak.
"Why don't you want to give your gramps a hug"
"No" I spat
Why in the ...... World is THE RED WOLF talking Karrianne and how do they know each. The red wolf, also the slayer of angels, the angel of death. He is a creepy old man
"Why don't you want to give your gramps a hug"
"No" she spats
She is related to The slayer of angels.
He turns to me next and smirks.
"So I guess you didn't tell my granddaughter" he says
I freeze. He smiles that creepy old smile. I can't believe I trusted him he turns to Ann and says
"He doesn't know"
Wait know what.
"Go grandpa" she growls, something I never expected to come out of Ann's mouth. The guys look as confused as I am.
Taylor and Emily look confused
"What no gramps" he pouts, which looks awful
"You betrayed us, so get the.... away from me" She screams. Did she just say what i think she said. I never thought that would come out of her mouth.
"Fine, but Ann I will be watching, your grandmother and I both know that you will joins us sooner or later" he smiles.
Ann does the unbelievable, she summons a
Black hole?!?
And pushes angel slayer into the Black hole with
What did I miss. The guys look as confused as me, while the girls look happy and are smiling.
"You go girl, show angel slayer the door" Taylor cheers
"And you say I am powerful, you summoned a freaking black hole" Emily screams, but then slaps her hand on her month.
"Wait what" me and the guys yell
Taylor chuckles nervously
"I think we need to tell, them" Emily says
"Tell us what" the guys and I yell
"Ummmm, sure" Ann says, right before she faints. She used up all her powers to push That little old man into the black hole. She is sure something special.
We bring her to Tay's house and we are all in the living room. The girls don't dare talk which makes me mad.
"So what the ....was that" I ask angrily
"Well..." Emily starts
Taylor continues for her. She tells us everything. She tells us about how she is a dragon rider, with fire powers and how Emily is a angel"
Emily starts to tall us about Ann, she is a
This means we might be together.
This also means Zac can also date her.
Oh god.
"Why are you guys no freaking out, aren't humans suppose to freak out about thins stuff" Emily asks
Jake just kisses her cheek and she blushes.
The boys and I laugh we couldn't be happier
"Well we have been hiding stuff from you guys as well" Andrew starts
"Ace and I are Cedasu, Jake is a devil and Andrew is a dragon rider" Zac finishes.
"What powers do you and Ace have" Taylor ask
"I control Ice and Zac controls electricity" I say proudly
"Cool" Taylor says
We nod
"Guess we have been hiding to same secret from each other." Emily laughs
"Only one question remains" Andrew says
"How in the freaking is The angel slayer Ann's gramps, like are the grandpas suppose to be nice" I ask
"We don't know" Taylor and Emily reply together
We spend the next 30 minutes just telling funny stories about magic fails we had. Like who knew that Taylor's dragon threw her into a pile of dragon poop and who knew when Emily first tried to heal people she would break their bones instead.
Finally Ann starts to wake up. Zac is at her side in a blink of an eye.
"Ann you okay" I ask softy
"Ya, sorry" she says
"Don't worry Tay and Em told us everything" I say taking a seat by her
"And you don't think I am a freak" she whispers
I start to fill her in about how I am also a freak
She smiles, till I hit her with the question
"Want to fill us in about Old gramps back there" I ask
Her glare turns deadly but softens
She takes a deep breath
I fill them in about how my grandpa was my best friend when I was younger. He was one of the very few that got chooses to go in a mission in the dark angel woods. He somehow got lost and was founded by a demon. Not devil ,demon. That demon taught him bad things. When gramps got out he started to become cold. He no longer cared about me, he didn't play with me anymore. He turned grandmother into a witch along side him. That demon ruined everything. Gramps started to follow the demons. He worshipped them. That is why my family had to run. He helped start the war. He killed innocent people just for fun. He turned into a monster. He isn't the kind old man that gave out extra candy on Halloween. He isn't the sweet gramps he use to be. He is just a cold hearted monster.

Hope u guys like this chapter, it's a little longer.

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