Chapter 2

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As you made your way to the boy's locker room, your eyes caught a shy looking green haired boy. He was talking to a girl that had short brown hair. Listening to their voices you noted that they were the same as the ones from earlier. You couldn't quite catch what the two were talking about but you'd often find them blushing at different times. "Cute."

On the outside, and on the inside a bit, you were cold. You didn't enjoy making relationships with others, well how would you know if you did, you've never had a strong bond with anyone. Having been made fun of for not being manly or being girly had its faults. It was all faults to you. It was now time to go your separate ways, well with the girls that is.

Your teacher, Aizawa, had instructed your class to change into the standard Yuuei gym clothing. Personally, you didn't like changing near other people. You were rather reserved. Most importantly you didn't want to hear any more profanities coming from the loud mouthed blonde.

Changing as quickly as you could, you were about to leave when a rather energetic voice arose. "It smells like a girl in here." You froze. This happened whenever you'd walk into the locker rooms at any school. Turning around you prepared to be clowned on. To your surprise you saw a red headed male with a bright smile and a soft blush sniffing the air and walking towards you. "Hey, it's you, the idol dude! You smell good! I'm Kirishima Eijiro!"

He extended an arm out towards you which you lightly grasped. His handshake was firm and tight. "I've never met such a feminine bro before!" You tensed up. "What's with this guy? If he thinks I'm girly then why not say it to my face?" A few snickers were heard coming from behind Kirishima. "Uh, thanks?" He let go of your hand.

Before you could bolt out the door a half white haired half red haired male made his way out not speaking a word. Not really caring much about making any friends, you began speed walking out the door. After feeling safe enough, you slowed your pace.

Walking ahead of you was the green haired male and another male with glasses that you had heard talking to the freckled boy earlier. Trying not to run into them you slowed your pace even more.

You met up with the rest of the class that had finished and filed out onto the large clearing near the classes building. Aizawa spared no time explaining U.A.'s free range teaching system. Using the blonde haired kid who you now knew as Bakugou, he demonstrated the ball throwing portion of the fitness test regularly.

Aizawa then told him to do it again using his quirk. At the mention of using quirks you could feel your heart beat rapidly. This was the first day and they would already be exposed to your quirk. Being a quirk that is rather gory, you felt nervous that people would make fun of you.

"What the hell is that?" A group of young boys giggled as the one who'd spoken was making gagging noises. "I guess Pretty Boy's got an ugly quick." The group of boys began to laugh as a small male with a bone sticking out of his arm started to cry. "Look at Pretty Boy, he's crying! Maybe we should call him Crybaby!" The group of boys laughed louder as some started chanting "Crybaby."

Physically shaking your head you expelled those thoughts. Aizawa continued to talk until something peaked your interest. "The one with the lowest score across all eight events will be judged hopeless...and will be expelled." The aura around some of your classmates became dark. Rolling your eyes you thought maybe it was for the best? Maybe if you got expelled now you wouldn't have to become a hero after all.

The first test was a fifty meter dash. You watched impatiently, taking in your classmates quirks. It was now your turn. Standing up you stretched a bit. There was no need for you to. All you had to do was shoot out some bone from your fingertips, have the bone dig into the ground, and let it pull you to the finish line.

This was a two person race but you didn't bother looking to see who your opponent was. Not like it mattered. As soon you heard the loud "Go" you quickly shot bones out of your fingertips, latching it to the ground. You then let the long white bone pull you to the finish line before your partner was halfway across.

"4.09". You smirked hearing your score. In middle school your regular score had been 5.26 but you had always known those stupid fitness tests restrained you from showing your true potential. You heard a girl talking to another student behind you. "That male with the bone quirk was in my session for the recommendation exams. He's quite good from what I remember."

Turning around you saw a dark haired girl with a large ponytail. You thought she seemed familiar when you had seen her earlier but didn't bother to think about it. There was something interesting about her. She seemed to have a big luscious brain.

The fitness test continued, you gaining higher scores in places you hadn't before, pushing aside your thoughts about flunking these tests on purpose. You weren't one for working hard but you absolutely hated losing.

It was now time for the ball throwing test from earlier. You had passed with an average score, well average in the class considering the short haired brunette that had been talking to the freckled boy earlier had gotten an infinite score. The tests were almost over as the freckled boy took his place in the circle.

Something about him made you want to watch him. Maybe it was his freckles. That's how you'd been describing him. You thought his freckles made him cute. His scores during all the other tests were definitely nothing to write home about so you worried abou- wait, what? You didn't worry about anyone or anything. You didn't even worry about yourself.

Your eyes narrowed at the green haired boy. Who exactly was he and how did he get into this course? His first throw was embarrassing. Looking over, you saw Aizawa glaring at the green haired male, his hair defying gravity. "Maybe that's his quirk?"

The green haired boy seemed shocked. "I erased your quirk." Your eyes widened with realization. "Then why tf does his hair sta-" Once again you were cut off by Aizawa explaining his reasoning for stopping the green haired boy. Aizawa then let the green haired boy throw his last ball.

Looking at him you felt a bit ba- oh no! Not this again! You scoffed and turned your head, far enough so it looked like you weren't interested but not too far to the point where you couldn't see him. His next pitch was beyond incredible. You could even see Aizawa grinning creepily. A sigh escaped your lips. You were worried for nothing.

The rest of school was a blur, the only bit of useful information learned being your classmates names. You frowned while walking off of school campus. Every inch of you was interested in your classmates but you didn't know why. "Why do these stupid idiots have to go and make me care about them? It's so frustrating! I'm gonna go home and sleep for an hour."


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