Chapter 7

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A/N: OMFG I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!! School just started for me, yeah I know, but it's been pretty stressful so far, so please forgive me!!! I'll definitely keep updating this story cause I love our little Hone-kun/ you fam. But it'll definitely be less frequent, so please bear with me!!! Thank you for understanding!

The freak evacuation ended smoothly with the students leaving to their classes. Walking next to Kaminari you heard him sigh. "So maybe there was a little kink in our plan, but we can still try?" With a bit of unsure positivity, Kaminari peered over at you. With a smile you nodded. "Yeah, dude. Let's do it."

Before class ended, Midoriya decided to give his class president position to Iida. Aizawa, again, seemed quite uninterested, while your classmates agreed based on his performance during the evacuation. Thinking about it, Midoriya seemed too nice. "What kinda person gives up their position to a friend?" The freckled boy continued to annoy you in a curious way. Nobody was that nice.

Once the bell rang you slowly got up, palms on your desk. Kaminari sprinted towards you with excitement. Grabbing your hand he bolted out of the class before anyone else could. "Come on! We've gotta get ready before he leaves!" Not really up for any protest you let him guide you through the halls and out the school.

When the two of you had finally made it out, Kaminari pulled you into a bush and crouched down, motioning for you to do the same. Doing so you looked down and saw his hand was still firmly in yours. At this point you didn't mind as much, your friends were a little touchy so whether you liked it or not, it was bound to happen at some point. You weren't used to it yet, but you weren't completely opposed to it either, it made you feel warm and alive. But you still had your drawbacks.

"Yo, Kamina-" He looked over in your direction and put a finger to his lips shushing you. "Bro, your ha-" Repeating the process again, he shushed you. Giving out a quiet sigh, you gave up. Waiting a bit longer, he showed up. Bakugou. Kaminari pulled out the magenta ball from somewhere that you hadn't seen. Not questioning where he'd put it or pulled it out from, you waited. Once Bakugou was right in front of the bush, Kaminari threw the ball right at him.

The ball hit Bakugou right in the face and exploded. Magenta powder was everywhere as Kaminari pulled your arm away from the bush and dragged you somewhere behind the building. The two of you were gasping for air after running so far, afraid Bakugou would come after you. Well more Kaminari was afraid, you didn't give one.

"Man, that was awesome!" Kaminari pumped a fist into the air. A smile spread across your face, a genuine smile. "Yeah, it woulda been better if we'd seen what happened after." You didn't have to see what had happened after since you'd heard Bakugou's screaming and his violent threats to kill whoever had done that to him. Kaminari straightened up and started to walk off, taking you with him.

"Where are we going?" Kaminari seemed puzzled. "I'm going home?" You didn't know how to respond. "Uh, ok. I've never been to a friends house before, but that's chill." Kaminari looked even more puzzled. That was until he tightened his hand around yours. Realization had finally hit him. "Uh, oh, I- wait! I mean-!" His face became a bright red as he continued to stutter. You again didn't know how to respond. Neither of you let go as Kaminari had a literal breakdown.

Shrugging it off you started walking home, both hands still locked. Kaminari was silent for a while which worried you. Taking a peak behind you, you saw the blonde was as red as a tomato. "Yo, dude? Are you alright?" Finally jolting back to reality, Kaminari let go of your hand, a bit reluctantly. "Yeah, dude. I'm fine. See yah later!" He rushed off in an unknown direction leaving you even more puzzled than before.

Not wanting to eat at home, or have any interaction with your father at all, you decided on a small ramen place a few blocks away from your house. It was a nice small little restaurant that you'd had your eyes on for a while. Deciding this was the perfect place, you'd defiantly come here more often when your father's in town.

Gearing up for the next day you felt surprisingly good. It was another day you felt like rushing into your class and being there forever. Unfortunately you couldn't be there forever, but today was a special day. It was after lunch and you sat in your seat awaiting All Might's lesson. The freckled boy sat in front of you murmuring about something, he did that often. When the door opened Aizawa stepped out. "This time, All Might, myself, and one other will supervise."

That was all fine and dandy, but where was All Might? You didn't care in the slightest, especially when Aizawa mentioned "Rescue Training". Knowing yourself well, you knew your personality. And it definitely wasn't the kind and gentle type.

It was similar to a field trip so the class walked out and was organized into the bus by a very excited Iida. The bus ride was filled with boring small talk. Looking over to your right you saw a peaceful Todoroki sleeping. "Maybe I should to- nah." Sometimes you had bad dreams, really bad dreams. Dreams that would keep you and your siblings up late at night when you were young. As you'd grown older, your mother insisted that you have your own room. Ever since then you hadn't been able to sleep at all.

Luckily the bus trip wasn't very long. Once you'd gotten there you stretched a bit. It was becoming a habit for you recently. Entering the building it was as if you had taken a trip to Universal Studios Japan, which was later mentioned by pro hero Thirteen who would be your third teacher today. You should've known he'd be here helping, his hero type was the total opposite of yours. This whole class felt ironic and wrong to you, as if you'd woken up in a different dimension.

Something didn't feel right to you even now. Shrugging it off as a stomach ache you started to daydream about sleeping. All Might wasn't there though, and you couldn't stop thinking about that. Then, as if in a triple irony, while Thirteen was warning us about the potential risks of our quirks, a swirling portal appeared in the middle of U.S.J. The first thing you felt was repulsed. So many disgusting villains climbed out of the portal like an ugly family reunion.

Fear, but mostly disgust, filled your stomach causing you to almost throw up. Aizawa quickly began making money moves. "Don't move. Those are..." You rolled your eyes. "We're not blind, those are obviously villains." Aizawa pulled his goggles on. "...villains!!" If this wasn't a huge villain assault you would have smirked at how Aizawa seemed to be animated for the first time since you'd met him. But this wasn't a picnic, you couldn't stand back and smile.

A really crusty male with faded blue hair began taunting Aizawa and asking for All Might. You stretched again, ready for a battle. This wasn't your first rodeo, and it wouldn't be your last. "Let's give Mr. Crusty a present." A strong smirk spread across your face.

A/N: I gave y'all a lil Kami fluff as a sorry. I'll try and update more!


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