Chapter 8

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Everyone was talking, but you couldn't hear them. They all sounded the same. Villains cockily teasing Aizawa and Thirteen. Other students were questioning their very presence. You didn't give a fuck. All you knew was that you were right when you wanted to get out of bed today. The crusty villain with blue hair, the ugly gang of thugs around him, his purple warp friend, it reminded you of- "But Sensei, you can't fight them all alone!!!"

You huffed as you were brought back to comprehension by Midoriya. "This guy worries too much. Obviously the emo with two colored eyes, the beauty queen, and I'll back him up." Aizawa seemed calm as Midoriya continued to pester him with useless statements. Looking away you were prepared to actually fight these guys, the one thing you enjoyed about this stupid job.

"And why do you want to be a hero, Hone-chan?" The kind school teacher smiles as a stoic eleven year old stands at the front of the class. "So I can throw all of you ugly and mean people in jail." The teacher's face distorts from a gentle fake smile to a shocked and angered one as she rushes to the boy's side. "This is the fifth time this week! We're calling your mother." The boy shrinks down with a slight sliver of fear in his eyes, this quickly sets back into a nonchalant face.

"No good hero is a one-trick pony. Thirteen! Take care of them!" As soon as his words were spoken, he leaped down. "Wait! Sensei!" You tried to rush to his side but were pulled back by a hand on your shoulder. Looking back you came face to face with Iida. "But Iid-" His face was serious and almost irritated. "This is a job for the hero's, and we were ordered to stay back with Thirteen-sensei." You wanted to frown but your face just couldn't remember how to.

A sigh escaped your lips but you didn't have much time to sulk as the purple warp villain appeared near the exit. Things were moving so fast, it felt like Iida's lecture had slowed you down. Bakugou and Kirishima charged at the purple warp villain. Seeing it now, you understood why Iida had stopped you, they both looked ridiculous trying to fight a stronger villain. This wasn't middle school, this was U.A., and you had gotten ahead of yourself.

Their actions had no effect as the warp villain encircled the class. You weren't paralyzed. It was a weird feeling. You were there, and then you weren't. "Uh...where the fuck am I?" Sitting up you took a look around yourself. Everything was on fire. "Hey, look over here! I found one!" Turning around you came face to face with a villain sporting flames all over his body. He looked like a snowman made out of coal. "What the fuck are you?"

The guy seemed taken aback, and then pissed. Your unintentional insult seemed to work as his guard was thrown out the window causing him to charge at you. Not taking much care, you sat up and tugged at your kimono letting it slide down your shoulders a bit. A piece of elongated spine shot out the back of your neck, slithering down your back like a snake. The long whip made of bone spiraled through the guy's legs, immobilizing him instantly.

You brushed yourself off and easily fought off the others he'd called for. Walking along, you felt now was a good time to contemplate your earlier actions, cause when's a better time to think deeply about yourself than during a dangerous villain infiltration. "What the fuck is wrong with me? I haven't been acting myself at all...I guess I was so desperate for any kind of interaction, I let it come to me so easily...I got too cocky. You know why you're here. You're not here to make friends. Those are just people you can use...people who care about you...that you can use..."

Although you were filled with anger, no annoyance painted your features. You were enraptured with your own thoughts that you hadn't noticed a male running straight towards you. A male who whacked his large and fluffy tail at you. "It's me! It's Hone!" The blonde sighed in relief. "Sorry, I thought you were a villain- not in a bad way! You know what I mean." Ojiro tensed up. "We have to get out of here." You nodded.

It took a while but the two of you finally made it out and close to the center plaza. "Oh-oh my..." Ojiro's voice cut off as he tried to breath. Before you was a dead looking Aizawa, barely hanging to life, and an overly confident All Might in a dress shirt and dress pants. You were ready to help, to fight any way you could, but Iida's words stuck to the back of your mind like glue.

"I'd only get in his way." It frustrated you, but all you could do was watch. Watch as things went from alright to terrible. The main antagonist being a large villain, with a disgust level off the charts. Something out of a nightmare. "Wha-what the fuck is that...?"

A/N: As y'all can see, this was a shorter chapter, but I wanted to give y'all something to tie you over before I could write a longer one. Although, in this one, y'all saw a bit of how yah boi's feeling internally about everything! And he's freakin out! Sorry if this makes absolutely no sense, I'm sick af as well, yay me...ANYWAY, I hope y'all enjoyed. Peace!


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