Chapter 9

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The situation seemed bad but All Might reassured that things were under control. Relief spread across your body. Even if you wanted to help you had lost the confidence to do anything. All Might had this under control, until he didn't. The black giant with his brains sticking out grabbed a hold of All Might allowing the purple portal man to create two large vortexes. "...You see, it's Nomu's job to get around that blinding speed of yours and hold you down. Thereby cutting you in two." Your eyes widened in disbelief. All Might, THE All Might, was about to die right before your eyes.

Your legs started moving but you were a bit late. Right before you could reach All Might Bakugou flashed the Nomu. You felt as if nature was telling you not to get involved. Looking around you noticed Bakugou wasn't alone. Standing beside you were Midoriya, Kirishima, and Todoroki. Their words were confident, they new this wasn't the end of All Might, but you couldn't say the same for yourself. This was far beyond what you had ever seen in your life, this was only the beginning.

Todoroki froze the Nomu allowing All Might to get free. You couldn't do anything. Bakugou then proceeded to explain the vortex man's weakness as he apprehended him. You stood there doing nothing. The Nomu's body broke apart and rebuilt itself and you sat there doing nothing. Iida was right, you were just a kid. A kid who cockily thought Hero's jobs were child's play. This wasn't child's play, this was life or death.

The Nomu charged Bakugou causing All Might to push Bakugou out of the way taking a huge blow. The villain with the crusty face started talking a bunch of crap about the hero world and its flaws to which All Might called him out on his nonsense. "It's three-on-five." you could hear Todoroki say. "No, we can't!" you tried to convince them. Another voice perked up. "But Kacchan showed us the mist man's weak point...!!" It was Midoriya. Kirishima then spoke up. "Guy's-!" Before you could tell them how terrible of an idea that was All Might interjected. "No!! Get out of here." A sigh of relief made its way out of your mouth. You knew that if you had said anything more the others probably wouldn't have listened, they have a track record with that.

Todorki and Midoriya tried to convince All Might to allow them to fight but he stood his ground. "Guys, I really think we should trust All Might here." Midoriya gave you a worried look, a look that spoke a thousand words in a language you couldn't understand. There were many things about Midoriya you couldn't understand and now there were many things about yourself you couldn't understand. This was out of character for you. How could you care to warn them and why were you so wary of fighting after one kid told you not to? Who knows, you certainly didn't.

Nomu sprinted towards All Might. All Might ran towards Nomu and the two threw millions of punches. The power of the punches were beyond anything you'd ever seen in your life. "Plus..." All Might wound up for a real hard hitter. "...ultra!" He hit the Nomu with one hundred percent causing it to fly into the air and crash through the ceiling of USJ. "Yes I'm slowing down. In my heyday, five of those punches would've been enough. That was over three hundred hits just now." You were in awe. Three hundred hits. This was the world of the pros.

It was an unanimous agreement between you and the others around you, All Might could take this. Well, everyone except for Midoriya. "Midoriya, you idiot!" As you said that he gave you the look again. "It would suck ass if you died." You had no idea what had possessed you to say such a thing. Midoriya tilted his cute freckled green head in a puzzled manner. "Uh...thanks?" He blushed and looked away. Everyone stood in an awkward silence that probably would have lasted longer if the two villains hadn't ran towards All Might. Then he did it. The cute idiot ran towards the two villains trying to protect All Might.

You didn't want to look but your eyes wouldn't tear away from the horrible scene. The crusty villain was about to crumble Midoriya's face when a bullet hit him in the hand. "Sorry, everyone. We're a little late." Looking over near the entrance you saw a group of Pro Hero's standing next to Iida. 'Iida you crazy bastard, you did it!' An almost invisible smile spread across your lips.

After that the crusty villain started ranting about it being a "game over". Unfortunately they were able to escape after the crusty villain threatened to kill All Might for the fortieth time that day. You looked over at Midoriya who seemed to be talking to All Might. "Midoriya, you idiot asshole!" He looked over at you. "You could've gotten yourself killed!" Kirishima looked over at me with a questionable look. "Bro, did you not see what just happens? They were almost killed!" Kirishima looked away from you and you could have sworn he laughed. He then tried to walk over to see if Midoriya was alright but Cementoss stopped him. "I'll deal with the wounded."

The other Pro Hero's had escorted the rest of the class out of the building. Kirishima walked next to you in silence. "Do you think-..." He cut himself off before he could start his sentence, but you knew exactly what he was thinking. "They'll be fine." Not being very good at smiling or comforting yet, you gave Kirishima your best comfort smile. He smiled back appreciating your efforts. Bakugou scoffed. "Will you two gay fucks shut up! If you wanna have sex then just get a room!" The two of you blushed. "Shut up, Bakufuck before I beat your ass."

Bakugou stopped and looked at you. "What'd you say, Pretty Boy?" You scowled and looked him in the eyes. "I said I'll eat your ass!" Your face dropped. "Wait-no! I didn't mean that!" Bakugou blushed at your slip up. You had made your way outside and could hear Kaminari laugh at your little exchange. "Autocorrect seemed to fuck up again, didn't it, Hone-kun?" You frowned at your friend as Bakugou grumbled and left with a bright red blush across his face. "Shut up. How are you anyway, did you get hurt?"

Your personality did a three-sixty as you examined your friend. "Dude, I'm fine, chill! Although I did almost die." He said that with pride written all over his face. You punched him in the arm. "Ow, dude! What was that for?" He rubbed his arm as you glared at him. "Idiot, that's not something to be proud of! You could have died!" He shrugged it off as the two of you walked to where the rest of the class was gathered.

You had learned that All Might and Midoriya were at Recovery Girl's while Aizawa and Thirteen were in the hospital with serious injuries. You hadn't grown at all attached to Thirteen so you couldn't care less, but you were definitely worried about Aizawa.

Going home that day felt wrong. You wanted to stay with your friends and hang out with them longer. That attack seemed far from over and going home didn't seem like the right thing. Your Father had left for another business trip in the morning so you weren't too worried about going home, you just felt like there was more than what you were seeing. You couldn't get that look that Midoriya had given you out of your head. What did it mean? You had no idea. All you knew was that you were going to decipher it and find out what All Might and Midoriya are hiding from everyone.

A/N: Yes! Finally, the USJ arc is over! I would continue to apologize for not updating but I think by now you guys probably find it annoying. I'm just happy that I can finally talk about my precious baby Tamaki now cause he's been animated! Anyway, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and continue to support this story!


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