Chapter 3

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Walking into your house you felt relieved, finally, you were alone. Your sisters were at work along with your mother and your dad had gone on a long business trip to New York. Like usual you had no idea when he'd be getting back. You didn't care much, you barely saw him anyway. Although you had to thank him for your good grades in English class.

Opening the fridge you lazily glanced at the items finally landing on a strawberry milk carton. Plopping down on the couch you thought back to earlier that day. The green haired boy, who you'd learned was named Midoriya Izuku, had gotten last place in the fitness tests. Aizawa then explained that it was all just a fancy ruse and nobody would be expelled.

Personally you thought he'd taken a liking to Midoriya, who wouldn't, and that's why he changed it last minute. Whether or not he had intended it, Midoriya wasn't going to be expelled. The green haired boy later left to Recovery Girl's for his injured finger. "What a lame quirk. What kind of quirk hurts the user at the age of fifteen?"

You had shrugged it off and looked at your score. Number five. Thinking about it, technically it wasn't a bad score. You still felt anger in your body. You didn't like losing, even if it was some unimportant fitness test. The rest of the day was boring to say the least.

Ashido and a few of her friends invited you to sit with them at lunch, which you accepted. At the days end you saw Midoriya walking home with the serious male, Iida Tenya, and the cute brunette, Uraraka Ochako. You sat back in your couch. Standing up, you threw away the empty milk carton and went to your room.

You laid in bed for what felt like an eternity. Falling asleep in class was easy, but falling asleep in your bed felt like an impossible task. No matter how you tossed and turned you couldn't get the events from earlier out of your mind. You found yourself describing your classmates as "cute" leaving you to feel even more puzzled. If anyone was cute, it was you.

You sat up in confusion and annoyance. A while later your siblings and mother arrived. They were completely out of it having been working all day. Since it was your turn to cook you decided to order a pizza and be done with it. Your family, aside from your dad, took turns cooking and providing dinner each day. Looking into your wallet you still had enough money saved up from your summer job.

Groans escaped your older sisters mouth. "Uhhhh! (F/n), why can't you just cook some ramen or something? Anything! Why pizza? You know I'm lactose intolerant!" You sighed not wanting to bother with this conversation. Your eldest sister, spoke up. "Who cares? I'm hungry!" You left it at that and waited for the pizza to arrive.

Not too long after the pizza arrived leaving your sisters to devouring one of them. You loved pizza as much as the next guy, meaning you loved pizza a lot, but damn. You definitely weren't that hungry. Taking a slice of pizza and slowly eating it you thought about class. "How was school, sweetie?"

Glancing up at your Mom's words, you shrugged. "Boring." Your eldest sister chortled. "It's always the same with you!" You smirked. "At least I don't chortle." Your eldest sister hit you over the head. You were so used to the action that it didn't bother you anymore. You heard your mom sigh. "Now, now, will you two stop it? Perfect family, remember?"

You glared down at the floor, your sisters eyes trained on the floor as well with unreadable expressions. "I work so hard, and this is how you repay me? Did you make any friends? Or a girlfriend?" This pissed you off even more. Sure your sisters were annoying, but they were more your parents than your actual parents ever were. All your mom ever cared about was your popularity status. The families popularity status.

"What did I say about crying? Who cares about them calling you Pretty Boy? You know girls like pretty things." A mother scolded a young boy with tears in his eyes. "Now, speaking of girls, do you have a girlfriend?" The little boy looked up at his mother with a disgusted face. "Eww, no. Girls are icky." The mother furrowed her eyebrows. "What did I say about calling girls icky?" The woman sighed. "You're hopeless, (Y/n)."

The memory caused you to almost throw up. "No, Mom, I didn't make any friends. And I don't plan on it either." Setting down the unfinished piece of pizza you stood up and walked to your room, shutting the door lightly and locking it. Flopping onto your bed you checked your phone. You saw that you had gotten a text from Ashido. A smile made its way to your lips.

You had definitely made friends, you just didn't want your mother to have the satisfaction. You also knew better. If your mother knew you had friends, and that some of them were girls, you'd never hear the end of it. After replying to her message you let your eyes close. This was the first time in a while that you'd felt comfortable enough to sleep.

The sound of an alarm rang into your ears. A groan escaped your lips as you got up and stretched a bit. "Fuck. Why couldn't I have slept a few more minutes?" A frown appeared on your lips as you stood up and got into your bathroom to do your daily bothersome routine.

After fully dressing in your school uniform you left your room. "Good morning! How is my little (Y/n)?" Ignoring your mom you took out some strawberry milk cartons from the fridge. "I'm heading out." Shocked gasps erupted from your female family members. Your eldest sister looked at you with a frown on her face. "What's gotten into you, NEET?" You sent a smile her way. "I don't know?"

Another gasp left their lips as you walked out the door and locked it. The smile never left your lips as you made your way into your classroom. "Hey, Hone-kun! What's good?" Your pink friend smiled at you as you entered the classroom. "Nothing much, how bout you?" Her excited face made you smile even wider. "Maybe liking these people isn't going to be so bad?"

That was until the blonde haired bomb shell Bakugou entered the room, looking grumpier than ever. Ashido looked over at him with a friendly smile. "Hey, what's up, Bakugou?" His already present scowl deepened. "Fuck off, you extra." You glared at him. "What the fuck's your problem?" Bakugou continued to walk to his seat, not bothering to turn around. "You're my problem. So shut up!" Your eyebrows furrowed. "What the fuck's that supposed to mean?"


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