Chapter 11

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A/N: LMAO Y'ALL PROLLY THOUGHT I WAS DEAD. WELL I HAVE RISEN BACK FROM THE GRAVE TO GIVE YOU ANOTHER CHAPTER. Unfortunately for y'all this is basically a filler episode but in a shitty fanfic book and it's kinda on the shorter side. I hope y'all enjoy regardless tho. AND SORRY ABOUT NOT UPDATING CONSISTENTLY. I LEGIT don't know how some people do it, IT'S BASICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

During lunch you felt an awkwardness coming from Bakugou. Whenever you'd make a comment or a joke he'd never look you in the eye, or in your direction in general. The blonde wasn't big on giving positive reactions, but no matter what you did, you couldn't even get a mumbled "Fuckface" or "shit" from him. You couldn't help but remember your slip of the tongue the other day. The embarrassment had gotten too much that you had started to turn red. "Hey, Hone. Hone! (Y/n)!" Hearing the sound of your first name coming from Kaminari caused you to shake out of your trance.

"Wh-what?" Everyone at the table looked at you with bright curious eyes, excluding Bakugou of course. "I asked you if you're alright? Your face is bright red, are you sick?" You tried, you tried really hard. Unfortunately you couldn't help yourself from looking at Bakugou and stuttering like a mad man. His presence had caused a huge anxious strain on you. This was why you never had friends. "I-I-uh-it-it's ok-I'm fine-no-GAY!"

The moment you exclaimed the word "gay" everyone's faces turned bright red, including Bakugou's who had turned his head towards you at that moment. Ashido's face twisted into emotions you couldn't understand until it rested on a mischievous smirk. "'re gay?" A chuckle made its way from her's and Sero's lips. "Wait! I mean-that's not what I meant!" You could feel your face getting hotter and you wanted to die. What were these feelings you were experiencing? You wanted to make them stop.

Luckily, Kaminari could sense your anxiousness. "Anyway, does that mean we're on a first name basis now?" He had been referring to earlier when he had called you by your first name. "Uh, sure." A blush painted across Kaminari's cheeks as you smiled at him.

After lunch the rest of the day was boring. No matter how boring the classes were, you still craved them even more. You needed them. When the bell signaled the end of school you felt yourself shiver. Kaminari walked up to you. "Let's get outta here." Kaminari gave you an awkward wink, which was quite out of character for him. "Are you asking me to hang out after school?" You weren't quite sure why, but your heart started to beat faster. "Uh, yeah."

The two of you stood in the classroom in an awkward silence, until your red headed friend who had overheard, jumped into the conversation. "That sounds awesome! Let's go to the new sushi place a few blocks from the train station." Kaminari seemed a bit annoyed but you didn't know why. "S-sure." Kaminari forced out. Kirishima smiled and went to go tell Bakugou. This caused Mina, who had offered to be called by first names too, and Sero to join in too. In all honesty it didn't matter who came along, you were just excited to hang out with humans who's company you enjoyed.

Kaminari exhaled quietly, his arms swaying next to him as your group of friends walked down the street. "Is something wrong?" you asked your somber blonde friend. He shook his head and forced a smile. "Nah, it's nothing." You gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "If something's bothering you you know you can tell me, right?" Kaminari blushed as he looked away. "Y-yeah." Slowly your free hand made its way to his chin. You pulled his chin towards you. "(Y-y/n), I-I-"

Your tender moment was cut short by the sound of an excited Kirishima. "Wow! This place looks sweet!" You let go, to Kaminari's dismay, and made your way to the entrance of the Sushi place. A smile was plastered across your face as you watched Mina and Kaminari fight for the inside of the booth. Unfortunately your humorous watching was cut short by a harsh hand grabbing your own. You jolted your head in the direction of the harsh hands body. "Bakugou, is something wrong?"

Bakugou growled and looked down as a blush crept its way onto his features. "Shut up, Pretty Boy." Your body tensed from the nickname. A frown appeared on your face as you began to remember all those times the other boys had made fun of you. "Hey! Fuckface! Don't go fucking silent on me!" You shook your head as you realized your friends were all looking at you with worried looks. "Y-yeah...I'm f-fine." Bakugou's face contorted into something you couldn't quite read, although it did look like worry. "Don't do shit like that." He gently tugged your hand a few times before he started to roughly pull you towards the booth with him.

The rest of the dinner was filled with joyful laughter and stories of the past. Currently you were on the topic of relationships. "(Y/n)-kun, I bet you got MAD pussy in middle school." You shrugged as you nonchalantly ate your sushi. "I've actually never dated anyone..." You saw the look on Mina's face and sighed. "I haven't had sex with anyone either." Everyone's faces at the table formed into slightly odd emotions.

Mina had the same creepy smirk she had before with a twist of something much more sadistic. Sero seemed unconvinced, like he wanted to test that theory himself. Bakugou was blushing like he'd just chugged two bottles of Sake. Kirishima had a blank face with a light dust of blush on his cheeks. Kaminari was staring straight at you, his eyes weren't looking into your own. "I know, I know, I'm a lame virgin. You don't have to rub it in." Everyone snapped out of their trances as Mina laughed. "Don't won't be for long..." It was now time for your cheeks to brighten. "Wh-what?" Sero joined her laughter this time. "You'll see soon." she cooed.

The night soon ended and so had your time with your friends. They all went their separate ways, well all of them except for Kaminari. You lived quite close to him causing him to insist on walking you home. "Dude, I can walk myself home." Kaminari chuckled. "Yeah, I know. I just wanted to know where you lived, just in case." You gave him a side glance and a smirk. "Yeah, sure." The two of you laughed and talked for a bit. Before you knew it you were at your doorstep. "This was fun. We should do this more often." you told your good friend.

"Yeah." Kaminari looked down. His gaze was troubled and somewhat nervous. "Uh-we should do this again sometime...alone..." You chuckled causing him to look up. Giving him your brightest smile you spoke. "Yeah, I'd like that. Now go home before it gets too late, Idiot." He smiled widely and gave you a lingering hug. Without letting go he looked at your face, his arms around your neck. "Thanks for being my friend." You nodded indicating you felt the same way. He let go and ran in the direction of his house.


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