Chapter 14

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After Midnight had given the go for everyone to start all hell broke loose. Trying to keep up the pace you took shallow breaths. Everything was going so fast, you couldn't even see anyone from your class anymore. Everyone was trying to squish through the gate. Luckily you were a lanky person so you easily slipped through everyone making your way to the front. Once you had finally made it to the front you saw Todoroki skating his way out freezing everyone in the process.

Having him in your class came in handy. You easily ejected small pieces of bone out of your ankle and foot causing the ice around you to crack. Without a cinch you were already out of his ice trap. A smile spread across your face as the realization that you were in second place hit you. "I ain't letting you get ahead that easy, Half 'n' Half!" The sound of Bakugou shouting brought you back to reality. You now frowned and sped up.

Seconds later you saw a student get hit by a huge robotic piece of metal. 'Shit. What the fuck?...'  You stopped in your tracks as you came face to face with a huge piece of metal junk. "Multiple targets acquired...!" You frowned again; you really should stop that, you might get wrinkles. "It's the zero-pointers from the exam!!" Having gotten in through recommendations you hadn't taken the regular test so this was the first time you were seeing these.

"Kinda wish they'd prepared something a little more threatening." Todoroki muttered under his breath. Although you agreed with him wholeheartedly it came off as incredibly pretentious. With a swift gust of wind Todoroki had frozen all of the ginormous hunks of junk. As soon as he'd turned the area into a winter wonderland he was gone out of view.

Shrugging it off you took a small step but stopped once someone started talking. "He stopped 'em!! We can get through that gap!!" At that moment you sighed in relief; it wasn't stable at all and you had almost played into the trap. 'That fuckin asshole.' Grumbling under your breath you watched as the fortress of metal came crashing down.

If this was a shitty fan fiction there'd probably be a slow motion paragraph about how your fluffy hair was flowing in the wind created by the crash, but this wasn't a shitty fan fiction, this was a slightly worse than shitty fan fiction.

Not wanting to waste anymore time seeing that Todoroki had already gone ahead you decided to pole vault over the huge mess with your bones. The whole thing, no pun intended, felt like a breeze so far. 'Why the fuck was I so worried for? This is so fuckin easy!'

After a few minutes of running you laid eyes on it and a shiver ran all throughout your body. Waiting before you was a huge crack in the earth with small platforms leading the way to the other side. Your bones felt like jelly and your skin felt like it was going to melt off. The more you looked into the dark and endless void the more you could feel all the doubts you had earlier enter your body.

One after another everyone was passing you by. Not wanting to disappoint your Father in a weird way and not wanting to let that stupid Todoroki win, you gathered up the last of your courage and took a deep breath. Slowly and gently you used your bones to create nice bridges for you. Every step felt like pure torture, the only thing driving you being the look on Bakugou's face when you place higher than him.

Finally you finished the obstacle but it had caused a huge dent in your time. Unfortunately for you next up was a mine field, and everyone was going extremely slow as to not activate any of the mines. You weren't too far behind but you definitely weren't going to get a good score at all. Honestly at this point you only cared about getting to the next event.

Going through this mine field was like listening to a lecture from the principal. Bakugou had gotten cocky and started blasting past Todoroki in a show of dominance but you couldn't be bothered to feel anything emotionally over that situation. Then you heard a number of large blasts from behind. Looking around you saw something, or rather someone, flying in the air on a piece of metal as explosions lit up the sky.

It was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen and you could almost feel your heart beat faster than Present Mic speaks. It was Midoriya. The green Christmas tree had thought up a plan good enough to take him to first place. With this realization you felt the need to think up a fool proof plan as well. And then it struck you. Sticking a strong piece of bone into the ground you pole vaulted over the mines. The air in your hair and on your face felt amazing and looking down on everyone also felt relieving.

Right before you could make it to the end of the mines another large blast took away your vision and you started to fall. You felt your heart drop and your breathing stop as you braced for full impact and more. Which never came. Landing safely in someone's arms you clung to them with dear life. "Hey, Shitface! What the fuck was that! You're gonna give us last place with a move like that!" Looking up at the person you met the steady and slightly irritated eyes of Bakugou who was running towards the finish line.

After crossing the finish line Bakugou stopped and started to breath heavily. "Fuck! We- I got third!" Not letting go or loosening his grip he started to scold you. "Uh... Bakugou..?" He growled. "What, Shittyface?" It was silent for a good twenty seconds until Bakugou started to blush realizing the situation. With another growl he dropped you to the dirt floor roughly.

Rubbing your back you got back up. Looking at the rankings you felt relieved. Even with your slight bumps in the road you managed to get fourth place, more like Bakugou, but right now that wasn't important to you. That being the fact that your Father, Mother, and sisters saw you land into Bakugou's arms and get carried to the finish line by him. You definitely weren't going to hear the end of this.

After everyone had seen their rank the participants grouped up again to listen to Midnight. "The top 42 from this qualifying round will move on!!" Knowing your place you hadn't doubted you'd be going on. "And now the main selection really begins!!" It was going to get hard from this point on. Sensing the energy around you you could tell that the people left were the ones who had seriously prepared for this. No more messing around.


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