Chapter 13

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A/N: AYYYYYY!!! I'm back with another chapter; two in a row BABY!!! Well I hope y'all enjoy cause this probably won't happen for a long time...

The sound of incomprehensible screams came from all around as your class waited in your assigned tunnel. Shivers erupted spontaneously throughout your body. The feeling of intense eyes bore into the back of your head as you tried to keep calm. You tried to keep your head forward but that didn't seem to calm you any more than you had been before. Taking a quick glance behind you caused you to make brief eye contact with a certain annoying blonde. His expression wasn't like his normal angered one; he looked almost worried in a way. As quickly as you had looked behind yourself you looked forward again.

"It's U.A.'s Sports Festival!! The one time each year..." Your body tensed as the voice of your favorite English teacher's voice boomed throughout the stadium. "When our fledgling heroes compete in a ruthless grand battle!!" Your body began to tremble as you knew the cue for your class to move out of the tunnel was drawing nearer and nearer. "First up..." You gulped knowing what was next.

Before Present Mic could speak anymore you felt a gentle hand lay itself on your shoulder. Looking back again you faced the same blonde with an odd look on his face. "Ba-!" You whisper shouted. The blonde cut you off with a comforting look in his eyes. Shutting your mouth you knew what his eyes were telling you. With a quick nod and a squeeze from Bakugou you faced forward with new found determination in your eyes.

"You know who I'm talkin' about!! The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack with their steely willpower!!" Although it was a kind gesture, you felt it was a huge overstatement. You guys did hold your own, that wasn't what you were talking about, you just didn't believe you really did anything to warrant those words. "The first-years..." It was coming. "...of the hero course!!" That was the cue.

Following behind Iida you felt the pressure rise up your throat as the crowd cheered and the lights shone in your eyes. Maybe you shouldn't have had that much milk before the festival. "It's class A!!" Looking at Midoriya's worried face caused your body to loosen up. As long as you weren't the only one that was nervous it was alright. Your confidence quickly deflated as you moved your head towards the announcer. Midnight. Your dad was going to kill you. It wasn't your fault she was here, but he wouldn't take that as an excuse. You were dead.

"Mom! Today we wrote an essay about our favorite hero in class!" The proud (h/c) haired preteen held out a piece of partially crumpled paper to his smiling mother. A silent and eery male sat beside the mother reading a newspaper. He silently judged as she took the paper gently in her hands. "Wow! Your penmanship has gotten so good (F/n)! Now let's read this." She lightly squinted her eyes as the boy happily anticipated his mother's reaction. "My favorite hero is... (F/n), am I reading this right?" The mother's smile faltered as she squinted harder and pointed to a word on the paper. "That says Midnight! She's the coolest hero ever!" The man's fingers tightened on the weak newspaper. "Oh... well that's...unique, Honey..." The man stood up and glared at the confused boy. "Disappointment."

The sound of Midnight speaking brought you back from your very convenient flashback. Looking up at her in all her glory you didn't know whether to faint at her pure beauty or to faint out of the ideas of what was to happen to you when your father came back from his current business trip. You had always loved her boldness. No matter what the kids at school said and your father, you still secretly watched all her rescue videos and interviews. You even bought her perfume.

"...your student representative is..." You sighed knowing where this would go. It was obviously the arrogant Todoroki. "From class 1-A, Katsuki Bakugou!!" Or did you. "What the fuck?!" You couldn't help but exclaim. An angered Bakugou looked back at you stopping in his tracks as he walked towards the podium. "What do you mean 'what'? Of course it's fucking me, Pretty Boy!" You tried to shrink away. That nickname still made you uncomfortable, but you were slowly getting used to it. Bakugou continued towards the podium.

"Must be because he placed first in the entrance exam." Thankfully Yaoyorozu explained, or at least gave a sound reason. Your body started to shake even more as Bakugou stood in front of the microphone. 'Please! Please don't fuck this up!' You chanted in your head. "The athletes oath..." You could feel everyone's breath hitch in their throats. "...Make no mistake about it. I'm gonna take first place!!" And he fucked it up.

The booing was loud and engulfed your whole class; you could feel the air of shame forming around everyone. And if it couldn't get any worse "You'll all make great steppingstones, I'd say." Instinctively you let your head fall. 'Bakugou, you selfish fuckass!' The other classes didn't have much of a positive view on your class before the Sports Festival, but if anyone had any sympathy for your class it was now all gone.

As if nothing had happened Midnight continued on. "Now, without any delay, let's get the first event started." You felt the whiplash from how quickly everything was moving. "These are the qualifiers! It's in this stage that so many are sent home crying every year!!" Wow, that was reassuring. "And the fateful first event this year is... this!!" Looking up at the huge screen your breathing slowed. 'An obstacle course... this'll be interesting.'

Remembering what was on the line and who was on your side you clenched your fists. "It's a race between every member of all eleven classes! The course is a four-kilometer lap around the stadium itself!" As usual you stopped listening. You had no idea why or when you started caring about what others had to say or feel about you. With that you felt your body untense. "Racers, to your positions..." Getting into a runners stance you focused forward. "START!!" With Midnight's words everyone bolted from their previous positions. The war had officially begun.


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