Makeover (15)

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Your POV

You woke up to someone yelling your name. You opened your eyes to see your father. He grabbed you and jerked you up.

"Get your ass ready for school." He said. You sighed.

"Fine." You said yawning and stretching. He grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet.

"Don't you mouth off at me!" He yelled. He slapped you in the face. Your head smashed into the wall. You slid down the wall. You felt a little blood trickle down the side of your head. He grabbed your arm and pulled you up. "Get cleaned up." He pushed you away then walked out. You were dizzy from the collision with your head and the wall.

"You shouldn't let him do that to you. It hurts ya know."

"I know. Just one more day. One more day for her." You said. Getting up with a struggle. "I made a promise. And I'll keep it." You say making your way into your bathroom.

"Why do you let him do that?" A voice asked from the corner of your room. You turned around to see BEN.

"Why shouldn't I?" you ask.

"Because it's abuse."

"I know." You said. Leaning against the door.

"Then why let him get away with it? Doesn't it annoy you that he can get away with shit like that?" He asked. You hung your head.

"Every day." You say.

"Then why not just kill. I've found it very helpful."

"If I killed everyone who hurt me, my own mother would be dead. And she's the only thing that's keeping from killing myself. If I killed every person who hits me, kicks me, strikes me with blades, then there would be no one left in this town to live. You wouldn't understand how I feel." You say. Turning toward the door that lead to the bathroom.

"If you ask me your being a cowered." He said. You froze. Cowered? That word. It got you every time. It made you freeze. But, as you thought more about it, it was just a word they couldn't prove. But, it still stung. And that sting, made you want to cry. But the tears weren't there.

"I know." You whisper. You then open your bathroom door and walk in. Closing it behind you. You turned on the light, and BEN was right there. You gasped and jumped back a little. "H-how'd you do that?" You ask. Confused. He suddenly pushed you against the door and turned off the lights. You felt his fingers intertwine with yours.

"Your trembling sweet heart. What's the matter? Scared?" He whispered in your ear.

"N-no." You say. You felt something wet touch your neck and your shrieked. You felt his body press against yours. You let a small gasp escape your mouth. He chuckled.

"You like that don't you?" He said in a seductive voice. You felt him tug on your bottom lip. Then he kissed you. You shyed away.

"BEN. I dont want this. Please." You beg. Not wanting this. Again.

"Mm. But I want it." He whispers.

"I can't. Not again." You say trembling in fear. The lights suddenly turned on and BEN was jerked away. Jeff was behind him. Glaring at BEN.

"Really dude? You heard what slender said. No touching her like that man." He said. You slid down the wall into a sitting position. "What the he'll is your problem." Jeff said.

You felt the tears. You saw the memories. You struggled to get up. Standing to your feet. You reached a shaking hand in the cupboard. You opened it and pulled out some pills. Another bottle fell and every pill concealed in it. which were tons of pills.

"Hey. You okay?" BEN asks. You felt yourself about to shift. You quickly opened the pill bottle and swallowed it. "What's wrong with you?" He asked. You clutched your shirt where your heart was. Panting. Your whole body trembling.

"Please get my father." You say. quietly.

"Why?" Jeff asks. You try to call down.

"He has my razor. I need it now. Right now." You say.

"You can use this." Jeff says holding out a blade. You take it, pull up your sleeve and make a deep cut on your forearm. You took a deep and shaky breath in, then exhaled. Feeling much more relaxed.

"Please get out so that I may get prepared for school."

"Okay?" You heard Jeff say. they both walked out.


You walked out of the bathroom. In black ripped jeans, a black shirt and a jacket.

Jeff, BEN, and Eyeless Jack were all sitting in your room. BEN was going through all your bras. Jeff was going through your underwear, and Jack, he was just, going through all your knives. You cleared your throat and they all stopped what they were doing. They all closed the drawers they had been going through.

"Don't touch my stuff." You say. You went and grabbed your phone from your charger. Checking the time. "That sun of a bitch got me up at 2 in the fucking morning!" You yelled. It was only 2:30! AM! You sighed. "Won't get much sleep now with you three in here. Might as well go to the studio early." You say with a sigh. You headed for the door but was grabbed from behind.

"Where do you think your going?" Jack's voice asked.

"I have a photo shoot in half an hour. Coming?" You ask. BEN and Jeff looked at one another. They rushed to the door bit you grabbed then by their ears. "Ah ah ah you two. If your coming with, you have to be in disguise. People don't particularly see elfs and boys with a cu-" you stopped yourself before you could finish the word cute. "Cut smile."

"That's not what you were gonna say was it?" Jeff said.

"No. I said what I said. And that's what I meant. Now come on you two. if you are to blend in, it's time for me to help you. I may be an edgy mother fucker, but i do carry some boy clothes with me." You say dragging them to your closet. You let go and crouched down by your drawers. you grabbed a green shirt, two blue jeans, and a black panic at the disco shirt. you handed a pair of pants to each boy, the panic at the disco shirt to Jeff and the green shirt to BEN. They changed and then it was time to hide their, "unusual" features. You made BEN sit down in front of you. "What to do what to do." You said. you take his hat off.

"Hey!" He protests, trying to get it back. You throw it with his other clothes. You kneel in front of him, and ruffle his hair. Covering his ears with his silky soft hair. You noticed a weird aroma coming from him. You sniffed his hair. It was, shampoo.

"Hm. You wash up nice for a dead elf." You said. He looked away. Blushing. You stood up and turned toward Jeff. "Your turn." You said.

"He'll no!" He said. You grab his hand.

"Don't worry. I'm just gonna use what I use to hide my unwanted features. Foundation." You dragged him in your bathroom. You sat him down and got your foundation. You just added a little to his pale sling to hide the redness of his cut smile. when your were done, you gave him a clean white hoodie. You walked out of the bathroom and got a green hoodie out of your closet. You handed it to BEN. "Follow me." You walking out of your room. "I'm leaving Father!" You yell. No answer. As you expected. You walked out and headed out with Jeff and BEN.

(Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! I've been writing all day! Trying to make this chapter exciting for all You! I love you all! Sorry it's short. I'mtired and it's already 10: 27 pm here. So goodnight and good morning. LOVE Y'ALL!)

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