A New Appearance (17)

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Jeff POV

"I wonder what she's doing up there." Jack's voice says from behind me and BEN. We jump.

"Geez Jack! don't do that!" I yelled.

"But seriously aren't you curious to what she might be doing? Her heart rate is very rapid. maybe she's up there with someone." He said.

"Let's go check on her." BEN said. A wide grin on his face. Maybe as big as mine. Nah. I had the biggest smile ever.

We walked up the stairs to an open door. She was laying in a bed. The many blankets scattered around the room and the bed. She liked different. Her ears were, pointer, her skin was less, pale, and, she had black marks all over her body. She was gritting your teeth. Her k-nines looked much sharper than any persons teeth I've ever seen. She was sweating as well. looking in pain.

"So, she finally came out." Slenders voice said. We turned around to see him standing there.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked.

This is her true form. From what I understand, she's what the humans call an elf, or a fairy." He said. I started laughing.

"An elf huh? As if. BEN's the only elf in this world. And his little friend is the only fairy I've seen." I said laughing.

"This is no laughing matter." Slender said.

"Whatever." I said.

"We must take her back with us." He said. He took the blanket off and I heard him gasp. Her clothes were different. She was, wearing, a kind of dress. it was like a flower peddle was rapped around her body. It was cool. But that wasn't the surprising. There was a huge gash in her stomach. "This must be why when she tried to shift the other day it caused her pain."

"You knee she was a elf fairy creature?!" I yelled. She stirred.

"Quiet now. Do not wake her. If she wakes before I have finished she will not come with us willingly. Her mind mist be erased of everything. If she wakes before I finished she may die."

"Why do you care if she dies or not?" BEN says.

"That is my business." He said.

(Y/n) groaned and opened her eyes. She sat up but immediately held her stomach. She looked up at us.

"What are you doing in here!" She yelled. She held her stomach tighter. "I told you I shouldn't shift." She got up. Glaring at slender.

"Guess no earring her memory." I said.

"It wouldn't have worked anyway." She said.

"And why is that?" Slender asked.

"Because, mind control, and things like that have never worked on me. Many have tried, but all have failed. Some of the greatest minds have failed." She stood up and walked to a drawer. She got something out but looked behind her at us. "Why are you still in here?" she asked.

"We want to know what the hell that gash is little fairy." BEN said.

"I'm not a fairy."

"Elf?" I said.

"I'm a fea. Wiser than and elf, bigger than a fairy. Older than the greatest oak wood tree." She said. "And defiantly more graceful than and elf." She said with a laugh. And she smiled. We were all stunned. She was smiling? She had changed. And I'm not sure if I should like it, or hate it.

Mine ( Jeff the Killer × Depressed Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now