Chapter 8: Guess I forgot to mention

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*Only 2.7k words, sorry guys, I was planning on making it longer today, but I got distracted my Jacksepticeye and watched a good few hours of his videos to get over my hangover... that and I didn't wake up until 1pm... enjoy guys and make sure to comment your thoughts in the comments below. Love y'all.*

Chapter 8: Guess I forgot to mention...

Keith's P.O.V

My face flushed with embarrassment from my action. I guess a part of me just wanted to get it over and done with. I never really thought it would be so easy to kiss lance like that. But I guess after the conversation we had in the bathroom and the way he reacted to my special voice, I guess I just felt more confident in myself to do what I wanted and kiss Lance.

His face was still red when I slipped my hand into his, holding onto him tightly. I was scared that I was going to run away from him if I was given the chance, but a part of me doesn't want to do that. I want to stay by Lance's side for a long as I can. He makes me feel better about myself.

I don't hear those voices that have tormented me for so long. I feel free for once in my life, ever since leaving my father's house. I don't feel restricted by the way my body is, or by the way my thoughts forced me to think of people. That everyone was against me. But now, more of me knows that isn't true, and I'm willing to believe that, even if it is only for a short time.

"Does this mean I'm allowed to kiss you whenever I want now?" Lance's voice breaks through my thoughts, halting them as I changed what I was thinking. My body warmed at the thought of kissing Lance again. Although our first kiss was fleeting, I was fine with that. I was fine with his touch, almost anywhere on my body.

"Yeah, I guess it does." I laugh lightly and squeeze Lance's hand reassuringly. I feel the warmth of his touch creep up my arm, heading straight for my heart. Why couldn't I have had this earlier in my life... well, I guess I had to wait around for Lance to be available, and if I thought about it deeper, I've been his friend for years, and he doesn't even know; he doesn't even realize the reason why I know who he is.

A part of me yearns to tell him, but I already told Shiro, even if I wasn't planning to. Wait, what if he rejects me once he finds out I'm Spiderman? What if I don't tell Lance and it slips out from Shiro if he thinks I've told Lance? What if Lance tells me to stop being Spiderman?!

I can't let that happen. I need to find the man who killed my mother and get my revenge. I can't let this go on any longer. The more people this man kills, the more people who will be left with giant holes in their hearts, more people who will have to bury the ones they love— more dead bodies— more horror— more—

"Keith!" I yelp, turning my gaze to Lance, who was staring at me with worried eyes. "Are you okay? You stopped walking and started breathing really oddly. Is it about that killer?" I whimpered, my throat closing up as I moved away from Lance, pressing my back against the cold brick of the wall I landed against.

"L-Lance— I'm really scared. Of so many things, and there's things I can't tell you yet, and there's stuff that I'm not sure I'll ever be able to tell you, just because I am so scared that you won't be able to accept me for who I am and the things in my past are dark, and not really good, but I like you so much, and the thought of losing you over such stupid little things would absolutely break my heart and Lance, holy shit, you are just amazing, I thought that since you were Deadpool you would be constantly making those stupid perverted bad jokes you love so much, and those dumb races you like making up because you know that I will always lose them—"

"Keith, what are you—?" I didn't stop. I couldn't. It was all just exploding out of me at a pace that I just couldn't stop.

"— because I always get distracted helping people and shit like that. But then Takashi just knows stuff and it's not like I can control what he does and doesn't know, but he's my brother, it's not like I can just keep my entire life from him and then when he does find out, I can't just go and lie about it!" I felt Lance press his lips to mine and I froze, my entire brain melting at the sensation.

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