Chapter 8

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February, 15, 2014

I opened one eye and then closed it. All the things that happened yesterday came back to me in a rush, I was no longer home nor was I normal. I just wanted to go to sleep now; I was just dozing off to sleep when a loud knocking came from my door.

I ignored it and tried to sleep, but the person just knocked even more, I let out a groan before getting up and opening the door. There in all his glory stood Fox and he did not look happy, his eyes were still a little closed and he was leaning against the wall looking very sleepy. I glared at him, "What do you want?" I said trying to sound menacing, but it just sounded tired, he tried to laugh but it also came out tired.

"I see you're not a morning person like me, let me guess you just opened one eye this morning and decided to sleep more until I came knocking in?" I sighed but nodded not denying the truth. "Well, get ready classes-" He yawned and scratched the back of his head, "start at 7:00."

"What time is it now?" I asked my eyes still struggling to keep open.

"6:50," He replied.

Panic mode, activated. Begin attack sequence #10

"What am I going to wear? All I have is this dress which I don't like! My hair! Oh god, what about my mouth? My teeth are going to look like thy were brushed with Doritos!" I grabbed the sides of my head wide-eyed now.

He chuckled, "That dress really emphasizes on your chest you know?" He said mockingly and I clenched my fists to stop myself from punching him in the face, "Johnathan got your clothes in," He moved out of the way and there were bags filled with my clothes.

If he answers wrong I'm going into attack mode.

"All of my clothes? Even my underwear?" I asked getting annoyed that he went through my underwear.

"We knew you would get pissed if you found out we got your underwear so we got a girl to get them." He responded and I sighed in relief.

He answered correctly.

I pushed past him and grabbed the bags and took them to my room and like the nice guy Fox is all he did was stand there and look beautiful. I shook my head at the thought; he stood there and looked ugly. Fox closed the door and left me to unpack my clothes and put them in the closet and drawer that came with the room.

I smiled when I saw my leather jacket in the pile. I put on my black jeans, green shirt and my black converse. I brushed my hair and teeth then put on my leather jacket. I opened the door and Fox was sitting on the floor sleeping.

I laughed and nudged him with my foot and he opened his eyes. "5 more minutes, please!" He whined before getting up and looking me over.

"The green shirt really emphasizes on your beautiful green eyes," He winked before walking down the hall leaving me there looking like an idiot, "Come on class is this away" He rolled his eyes and kept walking as I followed behind him.

"What class do I have first?" I asked.

"I might as well give you the order; History, math, lunch, science, fighting classes, and lastly flight class but you get private lessons by me," He answered.

I sigh, "Why do I have to get lessons by you? Why can't Johnathan teach me?"

He laughs "Well Skylar, you just so happen to be taking classes with one of the best flight students."

I stare at him in disbelief, "No way" I say.

"Way" He simply responds as we finally reach history.

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