Chapter 18

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Now I'm not sure if you have heard the story of Linda and Julio they were and Angel and Demon who 'loved' each other. Linda the princess (back then we had a monarchy like the Demons) was betrothed to a young man who loved her dearly, but she fell for Julio a Demon.

They would sneak out and see each other at a cave at night, no one knew about this until she was finally killed one day. It was like another day for Linda except that night was going to be the night where her purity finally left her. She was going to make love to Julio.

She put on her cloak and left no one saw her but her fiancé, Marcus. She soon made it to the cave and sat down waiting for her dear Julio. She soon felt a terrible pain at her back and she fell off the rock she was sitting on as the pain in her back increased she turned to see Julio stabbing her in the back with his sword.

Haha, talk about being back stabber am I right? No? Let's go back to the story then...

Before she could die he made love to her alright but by force she was too weak to do anything as he did what she wanted to do in the beginning, but this wasn't love this was rape. When he was done he did the final thing you needed to kill an Angel completely; Decapitation.

He hung her head at the cave wall for everyone to see and just when he was going to leave Marcus came. He saw his fiancé dead on the floor her clothes ripped and her head hung with a cry of fury he clashed swords with Julio's.

Marcus won using anger to fuel all his strikes against his and finally Julio's sword fell to the ground and Marcus finished the job cutting his head off in a single swing of his sword. Julio's body fell to the body and Marcus fell next to Linda crying for her.

He knew he could not live without her so he killed himself. What they all didn't know though is that two girls saw everything Julie and Juliet, Julie was an Angel and Juliet was a Demon. They both ran to their homes, but Julie ran in search of someone to tell what they had just seen as it went by person to person it reached the king.

Infuriated he started an all-out war on the Demons that lasted so long until they finally called it quits but nothing had been the same since, the Angels and Demons were forever separated no longer friends if one saw each other they would attack each other in memory of Julio or Linda.

"This book fell out of Damon's pocket when he came for Luke," Nevaeh said as she slammed the book onto the table looking a bit badass even with her innocent features, "Its Juliet's diary."

Everyone stood frozen, everyone knew that when Juliet saw that she never spoke to anyone ever again and locked herself up in the library searching all the books and she even died in the library when she killed herself. She never did tell anyone what she saw that day.

"Skylar I think you should read this out loud since you have the strongest voice and it concerns you greatly," Nevaeh said and I nodded as I slowly grabbed the book and opened it up looking at millions of entries by Juliet.

The pages are already yellowed and old feeling crispy in my hands, the words are clear but some are smudged but still understandable.

"I left a bookmark where you should start reading," Johnathan said and I nodded turning the page where the bookmark was and starting to read.

"Julie is a liar," I furrowed my eyebrows as I kept reading, "Julio did not kill Linda, but Marcus did. This is what I saw the story that no one will ever believe. The true story not the fake one that Julie told everyone."

"Linda sat on the rock waiting for her dear Julio to come but he didn't instead Marcus was there taking Linda by great surprise as he stabbed her in the back, "How does it feel to be stabbed in the back Linda? This is how I feel!" He yelled at Linda as he stabbed her she was still alive so he ripped parts of her dress and raped her."

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