Chapter 10

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I rolled off my bed; I could barely open my eyes as I crawled out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen. I got up slowly and kept my eyes half open as I made my coffee. I sighed in bliss once I drank it; the hot liquid scorched my tongue a little but not much.

When I finished my coffee I went back upstairs with my eyes now fully aware of my surroundings. I made my way to the bathroom quietly and brushed my teeth, I looked at my hair in the mirror that hung on the wall on top of the sink.

My hair was a mess, it looked like a birds nest and I let out a low growl as I brushed the birds nest. And every time that brush went through my hair I thought 'The price of beauty is pain'. Slowly my hair loosened up and went back to its straight self, I sighed in relief that I no longer felt pain in my head. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and washed my face. I couldn't shower because Fox was here and that would be just plain weird in my opinion then there was the fact that I no longer had clothes here.

I got out of the bathroom and saw Fox just getting out of the guest room. He was yawning and then he saw me, "Hey there," He said he tried to sound happy, but it sounded tired.

"I can make you some coffee?" I offered and his face light up and he nodded his head quickly.

"Not a lot of sugar though," He said before going to the bathroom.

I smiled and went to the kitchen to make him coffee, usually I would of told him something along the lines of, "Get your own fucking coffee that's why god gave you two legs so use them," But I was in a good mood today. After I was done making Fox's coffee I left it in the counter and sat down on the couch waiting for him to get down so we could leave.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

February, 25,2014

Bloody Niagara falls bitch!

I laughed at the reminder but then realized it was my code. I panicked and quickly went to the bathroom knocking over Fox on my way as he left the bathroom, "Hey watch it!" He yelled as I closed the door and I sat down on the toilet pulling my pants down. Sure enough, mother nature decided to tell me I was not pregnant, even though surprisingly I am a virgin.

Why can't she send me a card with that message? Why a bloody reminder?

I let out a groan before searching the cabinets for the tampons, I wish since I was an Angel I wouldn't have this, but apparently Mother Nature thought all girls should get this no matter what. I bet if Mother Nature was a person she wouldn't have it and when she saw someone walking by with a blood stain she would burst out laughing yelling,"I caused that!"

If I ever found mother nature I would cut her to pieces and make her bleed everywhere and tell her "How does it feel bitch?" But sadly I can't, but one can hope?

I pulled my shorts backup and casually walked out the bathroom as if nothing had happened. Fox was in the kitchen giving me a puzzling look as he drank the coffee slowly as if checking that it wasn't poisoned. As if I would poison that, right? Okay, maybe I would.

"How did you find me yesterday?" I asked and he spit his coffee out. "You better clean that!" I warned and he nodded.

"I was looking for you... and I knocked on your door and you didn't answer so after a while I opened the door myself which you left unlocked. I saw your fake body decoy and I knew what you did I pulled your night stand and sure enough there was a hole there," He answered.

"Why were you looking for me and you still don't answer the how did you know where I was question," I pointed out and he swallowed his Adams apple bobbing.

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