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I wanted to go on vacation to escape what happened :

A few months ago I met this cute guy, Jackson. He was really sweet and was treating me very nice. Different from any other boy. I really liked hanging out with him and I slowly started to have feelings about him. I would think about him day and night, staying up until late. One day he actually asked me out, but not like he did the other times. This time, he asked me on a date. I was so excited about it that I ran back home after school and invited the girls over to help me get ready. Renee as usual, had a bad feeling about it, but Sarah kept telling me that everything will be fine and not to worry. They helped me get dressed, Ellen who's good at makeup, made me look more beautiful than ever. Poly braided my hair into a nice ponytail. After we finished, I looked in the mirror and I almost didn't believe it was me. I thanked them for their help and we all left my house. On the way out, they all wished me good luck and I headed down the street, happy.
I waited for him to show up. The minutes became hours and I realized that he wasn't going to show up. I got out of the store, heading home, where I endlessly cried for about 1 hour. I then saw a lot of texts coming from the girl's groupchat and one text from Jackson reading : "I'm so sorry I didn't came to our dinner, my gf surprised me and I had to stay with her. Maybe we could repeat this another time...". Suddenly all I felt was anger... Was he serious? He literally hangs out with me for so long and then asks me on a date, and forgets to mention that he has a girlfriend?!? Who the hell he thinks he is?? I decided not to respond and delete his messages and number from my phone. After that I told the girls the story and apparently Renee was right all along. Unfortunately I didn't listen to her, and got my heart broken because of a piece of shit!! I haven't dated or got close to any guy since then, but I hope that there are some good boys in the campus, and we can all hang out together
Back to the present :

Sarah: I know what happened with you and this dumbass wasn't what you deserved... So don't worry. I'm sure you'll find someone who deserves you and likes you for YOU!

You: thanks Sarah, you're literally the best... I love you *I smile at her*

*smiling back*
Sarah: aww I love you too. Besides you are going to forget about Jackson in milliseconds, once you see the hot boys in the campus

You: SARAH!!
I pat her shoulder softly
You: I'm not going to the campus to get a rebound. I'm going to the campus to have a good time with you girls and make new friends.

Sarah: *stares at me with a dirty look* you mean friends with benefits *winks*

I forgot to mention that Sarah is pretty dirty minded too. Ugh where did my friend's innocence go? No one knows.

You: Sarah stop making everything sound dirty... I just want to have a good time okay?

Sarah: *laughs* sure, sure... Have your good time.

You : *sighs*Why did I even sign up for this?

Sarah: let's not repeat this conversation again and let's head to the rest of the girl's houses.

For one time, I actually agree with her and we finally hit the road

●Campus Boys (kth x reader ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now