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It was just a quiet afternoon and me and Diana were chilling outside our houses. A few days passed since the last time me and Taehyung 'enjoyed' each other's company and I kind of miss him already. I wasn't able see or talk to him much, because I was busy doing activities with my campers. I hadn't even talked to the girls about my times with Tae. It still felt weird to me. Moving on so fast with someone I barely knew,but at the same time, it felt so right and besides that it also felt so good. I feel my cheeks burning every time he waves or winks at me. I feel butterflies in my stomach every time I see him. I feel my heart beat raising every time he talks to me. I'm falling for him and I want to know his feelings. Tonight it's movie night, which means that the campers will be busy watching a movie. I'll take the chance and ask him to go somewhere where we can be alone. I really want to talk to him...


Diana woke me up from my daydreaming

You : what??

Diana : I said I was talking to you... Where is your mind traveling?

You : I'm sorry I'm just tired... I lied

Diana : Whatever... As I was saying,I think that Jungkook is really cute. He kind of brings out the good in me.

I know that Diana can be a really bad bitch, but on the inside she's pretty shy and fun so I was amazed that she opened up to someone outside her comfort zone

You : Woah Diana, do you have a crush on Jungkook?

She blushed

Diana : Maybe... I don't know, I mean I barely know him but it feels like he knows me so well. I guess we're meant to be.

If only she knew I felt exactly the same way as she did... I must tell my friends what happened. I can't hide it anymore...

Sarah : Hey you two. I haven't talked to both of you in quite a while, she said in a happy tone as she walked towards us

You : well that's probably because we're all pretty busy with taking care of the kids and the house and -

Sarah : blah blah blah. All I hear is excuses. Come on, tell me what is happening? I want to hear some gossip.

You : Actually, I have something very important to tell you. But I want the rest of the girls to hear it too.

Diana : Oh leave that to me

She left for a few minutes and then returned. She brought the rest of the girls and they all sat down, looking at me with excitement. I got nervous but then found the courage to tell them...

You : There's something I have to tell you... Something that happened a few days ago between me and Taehyung.

Ellen : it's okay, you know you can tell us anything.

You : I know... Okay.. Here it goes...
I took a deep breath
I lost my virginity to Taehyung...

They all looked at me shocked but in a happy shock



I laughed at their reactions as I thought that they'd be mad but as
I explained everything to them, making sure that I had feelings for Taehyung, which is true, they seemed to understand.

You : So that's it... Are you guys mad?

Poly : Why would we be mad? It's clear that you liked it and you seem happy, more than happy actually.

Joanna : Yeah you seem like you're in love.

You : I think I am falling for him. I just want to know his feelings about me.

Renee : I'm sure he feels the same way

Sarah : Look Y/N, Namjoon has talked to me about the guys. He says that Tae doesn't really like to be the flirty type of guy, he believes that when the right girl comes, he'll know it.

I widely smiled as I realized that I was this right girl that she was referring to.

Renee : Y/N if you have feelings for him, you need to talk to him.

You : I intend to. Tonight. In movie night, while everyone is watching the movie, I'll take him somewhere quiet and ask him

Ellen : Oh that's so cuteeee. You should definitely do that and if you need any help, you know you can count on us.

You : Thank you so much for everything girls. I love you so much

I stood up and gave each one of my friends a hug. After that we all smiled at each other and went back to our houses to get ready for Movie Night

●Campus Boys (kth x reader ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now