❧ʙᴀᴅ ɴᴇᴡs

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After we got dressed, I told him my brilliant plan, and of course, he agreed. We both got out and headed to our homes. I layed in my bed, thankfully the girls were still sleeping, so they didn't notice me. I put two heavy blankets on top of me, and waited for the girls to wake up. Once I heard the alarm I set every day, I said to myself "It's show time."

I started coughing making sure the girls were listening. One of them finally asked me "why are you coughing so much? Are you sick?" 

You : I think I am. I might need to go back home earlier.

All the girls shouted at me with one voice "But the camping thing is ending in two days" others said "can't you wait and just go to the pharmacy to get something for your throat?" I sighed as I realized that my plan of running away wouldn't work.

You : Fine I'll go to the doctor of the campus. You stay here until I come back. As I got out of the house, I saw Taehyung at the gates.


He turned around to see me running towards him.

Taehyung : What happened?

You : The girls wouldn't let me go away. They want me to stay because they say that there's only two days left, I sighed but he chuckled.

You : What's so funny?

Taehyung : Your girls are just like my boys. They don't want me to go. So, I guess that our plan of running away failed, right?

You : Yeah unfortunately... But be patient. In two days we'll get out of here, and we'll be with each other every day.

He smiled at my words and kissed me softly on the forehead.

You : Where are you going?

Taehyung : What?

You : Um, we're on the gates of our neighborhood. Where are you going?

Taehyung : Oh! I was going to the doctor of the campus, just to show to my campers that I'm sick. And you?

You : Same goes for me. Sometimes I think that we have the exact same brain. 

We both laughed and headed to the nursery.
____________at the nursery___________

The doctor obviously realized that nothing was wrong with me...

Doctor : Why did you say that you were sick? You are totally fine.

You : Um, I was just feeling tired and I thought that I might be sick.

Doctor : No you're very healthy. You can go back to your house miss.

I sighed as I said "thank you"  and left. Taehyung was waiting for me in the exit and he looked sad.

You : Why are you sad?

Taehyung : Because, I can't wait any longer. I want to go. I want to go away with you and ignore everyone else around me. 

You : Well it's just two days. We must be patient I guess.And yeah, I know how you feel. you are the only one who doesn't ignore me, I looked down.

We walked out of the nursery and started heading back to our houses.

You : Tomorrow is my birthday.

Taehyung : Really?, he smiled widely. Happy birthday baby!!! He kissed my cheek.

You : Thank you, I said in a sad tone

Taehyung : Baby, don't be sad. I'll make sure you have the best birthday ever.

You : Thank you for everything babe, but I'd love it if my friends cared a little more... They act as if I'm invisible.

Taehyung : I'm sure they are just busy. I'm sure that they will do something special for you too.

You : I wish. I miss them. This whole campus thing was a bad idea.

Taehyung : Babygirl, imagine if you hadn't come to the campus. You would never meet me, Taehyung whispered in my ear. He was right. It was a good choice to come here, otherwise I would never find him.

You : You're right baby. I love you. I kissed his neck and he smiled at me.

Taehyung : I'll see you later today Babygirl. Take care, I love you.

He went back to his campers and so did I... Another boring day was about to begin.... Thankfully, tomorrow is the last day.

●Campus Boys (kth x reader ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now