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After me and Taehyung had finished with our pleasure punishment, I felt pretty tired so I tried to fall asleep

But Before I closed my eyes, laying in his warm hug, Taehyung asked me something

Taehyung : Um babe?

You : Yeah?

Taehyung : Was I your first one?

I got shy for a minute, because I realized that I hadn't told him that I lost my v card to him. I looked up to see his eyes

You : Umm yes, you are. But I'm really happy it's you.

He seemed happy that he was my first one.

Taehyung : You probably want to know why I'm asking...

I shyly nodded and he smiled

Taehyung : Because you were my first one too... He whispered

I was shocked but in a good way. I expected that he would have already lost his virginity, as most boys don't really care about it. But he is different than other guys and this proves to me that he is smart with his choices. I smiled at him

Taehyung : The truth is, that no other girl has made me feel the way you do. From the first time I knew you were special. I kept asking Namjoon for you. From the little information that he gave me, you sounded so intriguing. I wanted to get to know you. But I learned your body first, and then your personality. I hoped that you wouldn't misunderstand my actions because I did feel love for you. But when you told me that you loved me, I knew that I finally found the one for me.

Suddenly, tears of joy started to escape my eyes. It's the first time I hear these words from someone I love... It felt like a thousand fireworks escaped my heart. Like a million Butterflies were flying around my stomach in a perfect rhythm... It felt amazing...

Taehyung : Why are you crying baby?

You : Because you are so sweet. I never thought I would find someone like you. But I did. I'm the luckiest girl... And Tae... I saw a few tear drops escape his eyes...

Taehyung : Yeah?

You : I didn't misunderstood you. I never did. And I had my eyes and my mind on you since the first time I saw you. You make me feel like I'm special. You're my first love and I'm glad you are. I love you ...

I hugged him tightly. I broke the hug and realized that he too, was now crying out of joy. I kissed him and my heart was so warm... All he gave me was love, warmth, passion, joy and peace. We kissed for just a few minutes, but for me it felt like eternity. Every time I kiss him, it's like time stops, and we're stuck there, alone with each other's love and passion flooding both of our hearts and bodies.

Taehyung : Y/N, I don't want this to be just a summer thing... I want to follow you when we leave the campus

You : Taehyung, I live alone and so do you... So why don't we live together?

His whole face lit up and he smiled widely

Taehyung : Of course I do baby... I would love to live with you. Besides we don't live that far from each other

We had talked about where we lived and had realized that we lived closer than we believed, which was a good thing. Because it will be easy to move and live together.

You : I can't wait... All I want is you. I love you so much Tae

Taehyung : I Love You too Y/N... I promise that I'll make your every day feel special.

You : You already do this by just being mine babe...

Taehyung : Well yeah, but I promise that you'll never get bored.... Now sleep baby.. You need to rest

I fell back at his warm hug and closed my eyes. He kissed my forehead and whispered "I'll love you forever" under his breath and like that, we both fell asleep.

●Campus Boys (kth x reader ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now