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You : You have to go!! The girls are right outside!!! Hurry!!! Leave from the back door...

I escorted him to the back door

Taehyung : Bye baby, see you later, I love you 

He smiled and pecked my lips

You : I love you too baby. See you... 

Did he just say "later"?! Hopefully he has something good in mind

I opened the front door to see all of my scouts and my friends worried

Renee : Were where you? We were searching for you.

You : I was just laying in bed. What's wrong with you people?

Sarah : Are you sick or something?

You : I just felt a little moody so I decided to come here and get some rest. I'm sorry I left you girls alone, I just thought that it was obvious that you should come home after the movie.

All the girls nodded and just walked in the house unbothered. I guess they were pretty tired to listen to anything or anyone...

Diana : Whatever, goodnight Y/N... And please, next time be a little bit more responsible with your campers.

You : I will, I'm sorry...

I sat down at the bench in front of the house, thinking of what happened tonight and the past few days. The girls had gone to sleep and my friends went back to their houses. I heard a door closing from the house beside mine. It was Sarah. She came to me and sat down next to me

Sarah : Did Tae find you?

You : H-Huh? How do you know he was searching for me?

Sarah : Namjoon told me... He said that Taehyung had something important to tell you. Sooo... Did he find you?

You : Yes he did. 

I shyly smiled

Sarah : And????

You : He told me that he wanted me to be his girlfriend. And of course I said yes.

Sarah : Awwwww that's soo cute. So you're a couple now??

You : Yup!!!

Sarah : Aw I'm so happy for you Y/N!! You deserve a guy like Tae. Trust me... Namjoon says that Taehyung is the cutest once he meets a person he finds interesting. He also said that Taehyung had talked to him about you.

You : He did? That must mean that I am special to him...

Sarah : Obviously... Since the first time you introduced yourself to him, Taehyung asked a lot of questions about you. But Namjoon couldn't really help him. He just told him all the things he knew about you and Tae seemed to fall in love with you.

My entire face had turned red.

You : Aww, thanks Sarah. For letting me know... I needed that... I don't know. Even though I just met him and I don't know that much about him, I still feel like I love him. I feel something so different, but so warm when he's around. I love him Sarah... I really do.

Sarah : I know you do.. I can see it... The way you look at him. The way you talk about him. You really love him Y/N... And I'm so happy for you. You finally found someone who deserves to be with you.

You : Aww Sarah. You're the best.. Thank you for your words.. I love you

I hugged her and she hugged me back. It feels good. Knowing that I can count on my friends for anything. Especially Sarah, she is the oldest and I sometimes feel like she's my protective mother, always in a good way of course. I'm just lucky to have these sort of friends in my life. And now I have a boyfriend that I love. And he loves me too. And I know that he loves me for who I am, that he doesn't want to take advantage of me. And that's the best feeling in the world...

●Campus Boys (kth x reader ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now