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I woke up to this bed on this empty house. At first I wouldn't remember how I got here, but then I remembered. But I realized that Taehyung was not beside me and had left. Then I remembered : THE CAMPERS!!! omg!! I'm going to get kicked out of campus!!! I got up and reached to the door but before I realized someone grabbed my hand. It was him.
Taehyung : you're awake?

You : yeah. What time is it? I said in a sleepy voice.

Taehyung : it's early. 5 AM. Why did you wake up?

You : I don't know. I just did. Thank God though, because we have to return to our campers.

Taehyung : yeah I know.... He seemed sad
You : Why this face?

Taehyung : Well, you know I love the campus, but last night was so perfect, I wish we could stay in here all day. I know that's impossible though. It's okay, I'll see you around cutie. He winked at me and I smiled.
You : I'll see you around handsome. I winked back and he showed me his cute, box smile.
___________a few hours later__________
Thankfully the girls didn't notice I was gone so that was fine. We went to the dining area to get breakfast and apparently my friends did ask me

Sarah : where the hell were you and Taehyung? We were searching for you for hours, but then we finally gave up...

You : we were just... Bored to go to the beach and just headed back to campus and walked together. Then we both returned to our houses.
I lied. I didn't want them to know that I had sex with a stranger...well, he didn't feel like a stranger to me....

Renee : you're lying...

You : W-what makes you say that?

Ellen : She says that because we went to your houses and you were both missing.

Wtf? Were they so concerned about me? Why? I'm an adult, I can take care of myself!!!
You : Look girls, I'm gonna tell you everything, just not now... They all looked at me with a weird face.

Diana : well, you missed a lot!!

Renee : But we shouldn't tell you if you don't tell us...

Sarah : ugh, come on Renee, revenge is never the answer. We'll tell you. We all sat down to eat breakfast and the girls told me everything about the beach. Apparently I wasn't the only one that had a steamy night...

Renee : I kissed Yoongi.... He's.. a good kisser... Then we took a walk on the beach and talked. He's very interesting,I like him a lot

Sarah : OoooOoo Renee is in loveeee.

Renee : Stop teasing. Besides you and Namjoon did even worse.

You : What did they do?

Sarah : We were all alone, so we just did a few extra things. She winked and my whole face turned red.

Renee : Wow! Someone is either embarrassed or guilty!!

Sarah : Y/n just tell us what happened last night with you and Taehyung. We won't judge you. Besides, you won't be the first of our crew to lose her v-card. They all just laughed at her teasing me... If only it was easier for me to tell them.

You : ppfff... You know I can't hide anything from you. So here it goes...
As I was about to tell them what happened the speakers announced that we should go back to our houses to get ready for the sports. Each house has a different program. I can't wait to see what's mine.

You : Well I guess I'll tell you later.

Joanna : good call. See you guys later.

A/N : Okay I know that chapter's pretty short, but I didn't really want to include anything else. Next chapter will be steamy, if you know what I mean 😉🤭😂

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