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I wake up in my bed, weird, I remember falling asleep on the couch.

I get up and look at my phone, I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm, weird. I decide that I should see where the boys slept so i walk downstairs.

I get to the living room and see them all cashed out. Ethan is on the couch, his head hanging off the side, Hayes and Nash are on the floor, looking very uncomfortable. Jack is on one of the recliners, legs hanging off one side, Grayson is on the other recliner, looking very very comfy.

I smile and think of a way to wake them. I mean, I could bang pans together, but I don't know if my parents are here, and I don't want to wake them if they are.

I decide that I'm just gonna clap in their faces. I go to Ethan first and start clapping and stomping around, my feet are next to Hayes's head.

Ethan jumps and Hayes just sits up really fast, his head colliding with my foot. I laugh loudly and thy both glare. Nash and jack just laugh and Grayson is still out like a light. I go over to him and poke him until he wakes up. He groans and pushes me away slightly. "GRAYSON!!!" I scream and he groans again.

"Heyyyy gayson wake up!" They all laugh at the name I called him and I smirk. "Gayson, WAKE UP!" I scream and he finally opens his eyes, to glare at me. "School starts in 45 minutes let's get moving boys," I say and they all groan. I chuckle and than walk upstairs to get ready.

I pull on some ripped up Mom jeans, that also have black, white, and green paint on them here and there. Than I pick out a black long sleeve v-neck and tuck it in to my jeans. I decide that's good. I pull on my black and white vans.

Than I just do my makeup in my usual natural look and put my hair in a half up half down bun.

I walk back downstairs to all the boys laughing as they eat their breakfast they made up. I grab one of Hayes's strawberries and he growls at me, making me laugh. "Did you just growl at her?" Jack asks, making Hayes nod proudly. Everyone laughs and soon we leave for school.


I get through all my hours before lunch and I'm practically running out of the room when the lunch bell rings.

I put my books in my locker and go to lunch. I grab a pizza sub, a vanilla pudding, and a Pepsi before going to sit down.

"Princess!" Ethan calls when I walk past his table that he shares with all the boys. I stop and look at him. "What?" I ask him. "Come sit with us!" He says patting the seat next to him. "I'm gonna go sit with my friends, thanks though," I say and walk away, with him protesting behind me.

I sit down at my usual table where everyone is. They always get here before me. "Hey guys," I say. "What's up! Did you have fun last night?" Abbey asks and I nod, making them cheer. Melanie was about to ask about it but was interrupted by people sitting down. And by people I mean, Ethan, Grayson, his girlfriend, jack, and my brothers. The rest of their friends probably stayed back.

"Hey!" Jack says and I look at my friends in shock. I didn't expect this. "Uh hi," I say and they just smile and eat their food. Ethan sat next to me, probably just to annoy me, and it worked, but it also confused me.

I take the chance of silence to introduce myself to Graysons girlfriend. She's really pretty. Her hair is red and it's so gorgeous.

"Hi, I'm Natalia," I say to her and she smiles. "I'm Kit nice to meet you," she says kindly. "These are my friends, Abbey, Melanie and Shane," I say and she nods. I didn't even know she went to this school but I guess she does.

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