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A/n: here's a bit of a throwback :)


I made it through the morning without anything from Ethan, but it's lunch now, and I don't know if he's gonna sit with us.

I walk into the lunch room, going over to the lunch line to get a salad and a water, deciding that's what I want while I'm waiting.

I reach the front of the line and ask for my salad and water, and pay her for it. School lunches aren't that expensive so it was $4.25, and it's a good size salad and a normal bottle of water.

I make my way to the table and see there's no seats left, and there usually is, we have enough seats for everyone. The line was extremely long today, and I was in here late, so I'm not surprised everyone's here, but where's my seat?

I look around, and spot the girl Ethan was with this morning. I laugh loudly as I stare at them. "Nice one Ethan, go take your tramp to another table and let me eat with my friends," I say, glaring at him. I know it's wrong of me, I know that I don't know her, but Ethan was my boyfriend.

"Excuse me?!" She screeches and I roll my eyes at her annoying, high pitched voice. "Sorry Natalia, she wouldn't move," Marcus says guiltily. I glance at him and I just nod slightly, letting him know I'm not mad at him, or them.

"Sorry, not gonna happen," Ethan states and I just shake my head. "Fuck you." I state and he just stares at me blankly, everyone at the table is dead silent.

"So you're gonna ditch me at homecoming, and than text me that you love me, and than when I decide and realize I was being stupid about it, and call you to apologize, I find out you were cheating on me, with this girl I've never even seen in my life before, and you never call to say sorry or anything, than I come to school, and you're gonna be an ass?! That's great Ethan, glad to see you've changed." I spit and he barley flinches.

The bitch is just staring at me with a a disgusting, ugly, scowl on her face that I wanna smack off. I've never been violent before! What the hell is wrong with me?!

"I did say sorry." I laugh at that, very loudly in fact, like a bunch of people look at us as I stand in front of you.

"Wow Ethan, "shit I'm sorry Natalia" is not a fucking apology Ethan," I say, throwing my hand with my water in it up in the air.

"Natalia, calm down," Melanie says, looking at me. I glance at her so she can see directly into my eyes, she the anger building in them, so she knows how serious I'm being.

"Natalia, this was barley cheating," he says and I just roll my eyes. "So you never kissed her? Never had sex with her? Never did anything like that?" I ask and she glances at him, waiting for his response.

His eyes never leave mine. "No."

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" She screams, standing up. I just shake my head. "Don't lie, just don't," she screams at him and he doesn't even look at her, he's just staring at me, blank face, no expression, nothing to read.

"Ethan! We had sex! Don't lie!" She screams, very loudly for such a small girl. Almost the whole lunch room is looking at us, I hate attention.

"Fine, Tiffany, fine, yes, we did have sex," he admits and I rip the lid off my salad open, not even beginning to think of not doing it. "What the fuck did you just say?" I say, my voice hard.

"I said, yes, we did have sex, but I-," he doesn't get to finish, I throw my salad all over him, and his tramp, and hopefully not on anybody else.

Everyone gasps, not expecting me to do that, expect Marcus and Melanie, they are laughing their asses off, soon all of my close friends are, and my brothers, the rest of the people watching are just shocked, some are even recording.

"Natalia did you seriously just do that?" Ethan asks, his eyes darkening. "Yep? Need something to wash it down? Was it to much food for you?" I ask him, unscrewing the lid of my water, Melanie doesn't even stop me like I thought she would, nobody does, and I threw it on Ethan before he could even flinch.

I smirk at him as he shivers, the water being ice cold. "Fuck you Ethan," I say, turning to walk out of the cafeteria. I hear people clapping and people saying 'we want more' 'encore' 'you go girl'

I feel confident as I walk to my locker but I didn't even think of the consequences of doing that.


I'm sitting in the principals office later that day, not even caring. That felt GREAT!

"You'll have a week of detention and you'll be cleaning up the cafeteria after lunches end today," my principal, Mr.Pooman explains. His name isn't actually Mr.Pooman, it's Mr.Coleman, but nobody likes him so that's what we call him. Isn't that great?!

I nod, and he hands me my late pass to my 6th hour. Lunches are already over so I might get out of that, which would be great.

I walk out of the office and Tiffany is standing near the drinking fountain, staring at the door as I walk out.

"Natalia-," she starts, but I cut her off. "No, don't even talk to me." She nods slightly, frowning a bit. I roll my eyes at her fakeness and almost stomp down the hall in anger.

How dare she try to talk to me?! Hell no!


I get home after detention to everyone home. Everyone but Will of course. I wonder if they're mad at me?

I got out of doing the lunch room, heck yeah, so that makes me feel better.

I hope I'm not in trouble with them. I hate when my prenatal are mad at me. I know Hayes and Nash thought it was awesome though, I could see if on their face.

I walk in and my mom smiles widely at me. "Honey! I am so proud of you! You showed that cheating bastard! As much as I do love Ethan, he hurt my baby!" She says and I sigh in relief. "So you aren't mad at me?!" I ask, hopeful.

"Of course we aren't honey," my dad says and I smile. "Good, that's what I was nervous most about," I say and they laugh.

"What else are you nervous about?" My mo asks and I shrug. "I don't want all the attention from people at school," I say and my dad hugs me. "It'll be okay honey, just smile and nod, you don't even have to talk to them," he says, knowing my social anxiety gets bad when I get a lot of attention.

"Okay, thanks dad, I'm gonna go take a shower, love you guys," I say and walk upstairs hearing the 'I love you too's' back as I do.

I'm very surprised and proud of myself for doing that honestly, I didn't even expect me to do it.

I'm kinda glad Tiffany moved before I threw the water on him, but I'm not at the same time. He could have fed her lies and told her we broke up, or she might of just not known, but how could she not know that? He's one of the most popular boys in school! And I was his girlfriend! So I really think she would e known that.

I just want this to be over with already.


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