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A/n: I cant BELIVE I forgot to show Jack!! Grr, well that's him lmao^^😍😍


"Happy Halloween!" Kit exclaims to everyone at lunch. She loves holidays, and you can tell by her outfit today. She's wearing a black shirt with little Frankenstein's and pumpkins all over it, she has a orange headband in with a messy bun, white ripped jeans, orange and black striped socks and black and white converse.

Kit is literally such a cheerful person, it's so hard to be sad around her sometimes. I love kit. "Happy Halloween gorgeous," Grayson says to her and kisses her in the cheek. THEY ARE SO CUTE ITS NOT FAIR.

"Shirts with your cute relationship," Shane says, rolling his eyes. I laugh. "I know right? They are perfect I swear!" Many of the others nod, agreeing with me.

Grayson and Kit smile at everyone and I swear I feel my heart squeeze when I see Ethan staring at me, with a little, cute, adorable, smile. Ugh. I just want to scream at him to stop being cute, like for real.

"Halloween is so anticlimactic at this age, like I don't care about it much anymore," Abbey says randomly and I gasp. "Oh Abbs, the devil heard that!" I sarcastically say and she rolls her eyes. Everyone chuckles and we continue to eat. I need to talk to Jack about Melanie soon, I really want them to date.

"Hey look!" Shane says and points towards the door. I look over and I'm instantly speechless. HOLY CRAP THAT GUY IS HOT! My breath hitches and I stare, wide eyed. I feel a pair of eyes on me but I still can't tear my eyes away. "That's Jacob, I told you guys!" Shane snickers and I feel like I'm gonna faint.

"Natalia put your eyes back in your head and close your mouth he's coming over here!" Hayes says, not wanting to be embarrassed

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"Natalia put your eyes back in your head and close your mouth he's coming over here!" Hayes says, not wanting to be embarrassed. I go red and look away, towards Abbey and Shane. I also see Ethan while I'm looking at them, his jaw is clenched and he's staring at me. In anger? Jealousy? JEALOUY?!

My thoughts are interrupted by a voice. A very deep, hot one at that. Holy crap! He's over here! "Hello, uh, sorry if I interrupted anything, uhm, I have nowhere to sit, and I was wondering if I could sit here, if not that's totally fine," he says with a little adorable chuckle at the end. Kit seems to be the only girl not freaked about this and Grayson doesn't seem worried. Jack does though, I'm not surprised a bit, Melanie is like drooling. (A/n: this is so ironic, sorry this might be confusing if you know who ^ that is, Jack Gilinsky is who I decided to be Jacob and Shawn Mendes is Jack so I'm sorry...)

"Yeah of course, take a seat," Nash says and I feel a presence next to me and a, "Thank you!" HOLY CRAP! HE SAT NEXT TO ME! OH. MY. GOD.

Well, it kinda is the only seat available. Marcus didn't come to school today so that's why. But we can always pull up more chairs the more people that sit here.

I kinda really want to smell him right now, but that's weird. I'm gonna keep my sniffer to myself. Ugh, what is wrong with me?!

"Hi guys, I'm Jacob by the way," he says, smiling a very charming smile. I'm really trying not to stare right now. But wow. He had to have braces when he was younger because his teeth are perfect. "I'm Nash, this is my brother Hayes and this is Jack, Carson, Grayson, Kit, Ethan, Melanie, Abbey, Shane, my sister Natalia, and than Vincent," Nash tells him, pointing to us. I wave slightly when he tells him who I am.

As he looks at everyone again, his head turns to me and lingers there for a few seconds, and I feel my palms start to sweat and I feel tingly. What?! I don't even know him, I'm only reacting this way because he looks like a Greek god, that's all.

When he looks away, I look away too and many people are smirking. By many people, I mean everyone is, except for Ethan. What is his problem?! Jacob starts to talk to people and I listen in. "Yeah, I just moved here from Florida, my dad got a job here so we moved," he explains to Carson and I smile. I'm not sure why, ugh, I'm so weird.

A few minutes later the bell rings signaling that lunch is over so I get up and throw my stuff away. Before I make it out of the door, someone is behind me tapping on my shoulder.

I turn around and see Jacob. What. The. Heck. "Uhh hey Jacob," I say to him and he smiles that very amazing smile. "Hey, you're Natalia correct?" He says, not wanting to get my name wrong probably. "Yes, that's me," I chuckle in awkwardness.

"I like that name," he says, taking steps along with me. "Awh thank you," I gush, smiling way to big. I see Ethan at his locker as we walk, he looks like he's leaving? "Hey hold on Jacob," I say and stop, he stops too. "Ethan, are you leaving?" I ask him and he turned around. "Yup, bye," he answers, voice low and angry. I furrow my eyebrows. "Why? Is something wrong?" I ask him and his eyes meet mine for a second and he looks away again. He doesn't answer, just walks away. I sigh.

"Jeez, moody one huh?" Jacob asks and I chuckle lightly. "Oh you have no idea," I say and we walk away.

"What's your next class," He asks me. "Advanced Chemistry, you?" I answer. "Same here, I don't remember where it is though," he laughs and I chuckle. "Just come with me than."


Arriving home is a relief, I just wanna get in pajamas and watch Halloween movies, I hope mom doesn't make me take Skylynn trick or treating.

I had a pretty good day today honestly, I got Jacobs number! Also, the teacher put him next to me in Advanced Chem! I still don't know why Ethan left, he seemed fine until Jacob game and sat with us. I don't even care though, Ethan is bipolar, I'm just gonna let him be.

Than my phone dings twice. I pick it up and look at it as I sit down on the couch. I have two texts.

Ethan: can i come over and talk to you?

Jacob: Hey

I answer Jacob back with "Hey back" and Ethan with "uhh sure". Why does he wanna come over? And to talk to me? Something is making me have butterflies right now, I'm suddenly super nervous. Hayes dropped me off and left for a party at his friend Kyle's house and Nash is with Jack somewhere. I still need to talk to Jack actually.

But anyways, I'm home alone and Ethan is on his way to talk to me, and I think that's why I'm nervous. What could it be about? Oh god. I'm so nervous! Why am I nervous?!

Oh god! I just realized what I'm wearing! It's so basic and I met one of the hottest guys I've ever seen in my life today! I knew I should've worn something more festive and cute. You know what? It's whatever.

My phone dings again, and than another time, and I look at it with wide eyes. Why am I freaking out? Oh god I'm dumb.

Jacob: How was your day beautiful?

Ethan: I'm on my way

Ahhhhh what?!

Beautiful?! WHAT?!

I spend about 30 seconds freaking out and than the doorbell rings. That was fast, he must've left before I told him he could. Grrr.

I stand up and walk to the door, but not before answering Jacob back with "it was good! Beautiful?😊"

I open the door and Ethan is standing there with...flowers?


A/n: hahahahaha

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