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They take Ethan to the hospital for observation but he's probably going home by tonight I'm sure.

I'm home right now, trying to work up the nerves to call Ethan. I don't want to trust him again, he hurt me, BAD.

I'm so confused.

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone and I pick it up almost immediately, hoping it's Ethan, and it is. I slide over, answering with no hesitation.

"Hello?" I answer, silently calming myself down. "Hey hot stuff," he says, making me roll my eyes.

"How are you feeling?"
"Better, the doctor says I have 2 broken ribs and a slight concussion, I'm taking 3 days off of school, Matt is getting a 15 day suspension."
"I'm sorry Ethan."
"Not your fault, plus, I'm okay."
"I'm still sorry though."
"I know."
"Are we gonna talk about what was said while you were laying on the ground?"
"What's there to talk about?"

It's silent for a few seconds and it makes me wonder what he's doing.

"I know Natalia, I know, I feel terrible about what I did to you."
"I love you."
"Shutup, I can't do this."
"I'm sorry, I know you don't trust me, but I'm gonna do everything I can to get you back."
"Don't bother, I need time."
"I'm sorry I ruined it all."
"I know."
"I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing."
"I've gotta go Ethan, I hope you get home okay, see you when you come back to school I guess."
"Oh okay, bye princess."

I hang up and sigh, my trust issues with him are high in the sky and I don't know how he's ever gonna fix it. Cheating is crossing a line that should never ever be crossed. It freaking hurts to be cheated on, and I hate that I still love him so much, and that I care so much. I shouldn't, right?


Later that night, I'm in my room finishing a painting, and someone knocks on my door.

I shout a come in, and Hayes walks in as I'm swiping my brush across the canvas. "Hey sis," he says and I smile over at him as I'm dipping the brush into more Yellow.

The painting I'm finishing is just something to relive stress, lines and circles.

"Hi," I reply to him, smiling slightly over at him.

"How are you holding up?" He asks me and I shrug, feeling fine at the moment. "I'm okay right now, why?"

"I'm just checking, I'm gonna go stay over at the twins' house," he tells me and I glance over at him leaning against the door frame, wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants.

"Oh, uh, okay," I say and paint some more. "I heard about the stuff that was said between you and Ethan at school today," he says and I put my head down for a second and nod.

"Yeah, but, I need time, I love him, but I need time," I sigh and he walks over to me, probably to hug me. "Okay, just know he's being sincere, he really misses you, and he's sorry."

"He hurt me more than anybody ever has Hayes," I say, dipping a brush into a pastel pink paint. "I know Natalia, I know," he says and I just continue to finish the painting.

Hayes walks out of my room, closing the door behind him softly and I sigh. I miss Ethan, but I don't know if I can trust him again honestly.


The next morning when I get to school, I see so many people staring at me. I just want to scream at them to stop, I absolutely hate all this attention I'm getting, but I guess it's my fault.

When I get to my locker, I see Jackson Donning at my locker, leaning against the one next to it.

I rarely talk to him, but I've grown up with him in my grade/class. He seems like a good person from what I've heard and experienced. Why's he at my locker?

"Uh hey Jackson," I say when I reach him. "Hey Natalia, how are you?" He asks me and I look at him weirdly. "I'm fine, why do you ask?" I reply to his question, opening my locker.

"I don't know, uh, I was wondering, could I get your number?" He asks, biting his lip a little bit. What the? Since when do we even talk?

"Sure, I'll put it into your phone in a second, hold on," I say and he nods, smiling. He's definitely not ugly.

After I put my stuff away and get my 1st hour book out, I close my locker and he hands me his phone.

I put my number in and put my name as, Natalia🥳. "There," I smile, handing him his phone back. "Thanks, I'll text you later, gotta run," he says and I nod.

Soon I get a text message from a number saying, Guess who :). I chuckle and text back.

Me: hmm idk, maybe Jackson?!

Jackson: how'd you guess?!

Me: idk, just a hunch

Jackson: haha, what's your first hour?

Me: Mr.Woolser

Jackson: ahh, I have Mrs.Bradley

Me: tuff

Jackson: okay buddy

Me: aww I'm your buddy?!

Jackson: totally;)

Me: whoop

Jackson: whoop whoop*

Me: no, just one

Jackson: what? why?

Me: cuz I can ;))

Jackson: dang okay

Me: so what's with the sudden interest with my number?

Jackson: idk, I wanted to get to know you, talk more, hangout

Me: sounds fun, definitely should do that :)

Jackson: okay!! Have a great day gorgeous, I'll talk to you in 4th hour :)

Me: okay, sounds good :)

GORGEOUS?! He just called me gorgeous. He's in my 4th hour?

I'm honestly so confused with that and it kinda adds to my stress. But I'm still just gonna go on with my day and chill, I guess.

Ethan won't be back until Thursday, so I don't have to worry about him getting jealous that I'm talking to Jackson.

Right now, I don't think I want to get back with him at all. I know we love each other, but he cheated, and that's not okay. At all.
When I walk into fourth hour I don't see Jackson right away, than I do.

He must've asked our teacher to switch seats cuz he's right next to where I sit and I know he wasn't there before. I seriously don't mind, I've been a lot more social this year because I'm friends with all my brothers friends now. I still can't believe they don't care they much, they welcomed me and my friend in with open arms.

"Hey Jackson!" I say cheerfully, sitting down next to him. "Hey! How has your morning been?" He asks me, his full attention on me. He's always been so nice to me.

"It's been good, we had a pop quiz in 2nd hour though," I roll my eyes and get out my journal and textbook for this class.

"Yeah, those suck big time," Jackson says, understanding how I feel about them.

"I think everyone in that class grounded when she told us what we were doing," I laugh and Jackson nods. "Yeah I'm sure," he chuckles and looks away for just a second.

"So, uh, wanna hangout later or something, you don't have to," He asks awkwardly, and nervously. I notice he's biting his lip again.

I think about it for a second, what could it hurt? I need a fun night, this could be fun. Jackson is a nice guy, I should make more friends. Yeah.

"Sure, what are we doing?"
"I was thinking maybe bowling and pizza?" He asks, smiling at me.

"That sounds perfect," I beam.


A/n: hey, I like reading comments, you should comment more ;)

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