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Fucking hell

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Fucking hell. Almost there, just gotta turn the corner...

Then there was a bump.

Why was there a bump?

Curb check..


"Curb check."

"Curb- what?"

"Curb check."

"Literally what the fuck."

"cUrb check! How many times do I have to say it?"

"What the hell- Curb check? That makes nO sense."

"We checked the curb, it makes perfect sense."

"No, it really doesn't Yoongi."

Yoongi started pouting, "It makes perfect sense!"

Hoseok would be lying if he said this didn't make his heart pang.

Yoongi was in a full pout, whining on and on about curb checks, which Hoseok still didn't get (mostly because he wasn't focusing on the older's words), he noticed yoongi has a bit of a lisp and drags out the ends of his words. His sweater paws are flailing all over the place because he uses hand expressions a lot. "UWU" was an understatement.

"-So it does make sense!"



With a panicked look Hoseok winged it, "M-Mute! You talk too much.."

"Says you! All you did was talk this car trip until you passed out!"


Hoseok was shut up by the fact they parked.

There was an awkward silence between the two for a split moment.

"Good riddance."


The two started laughing, after all, it can't be too awkward when the two have known each other for so many years.

Then hell came out.


Hoseok visibly cringed.


Yoongi made a judgmental face and helped Hoseok out of the car.

Jungguk smirked seeing him arriving "Soooooo Hoseok Hyung how'd you dislocate yourself tHIS time hmmm???"



"Yes. And how many times do I have to tell you, you don't need honorifics we're in aMERiCa"

He just smirked evilly and went back in"

Hoseok turned towards Yoons

"Please save me."

All of a sudden yoongi smirked "Give me your hand saVE mE sAVe mE"

"..... Yoongi are you quoting bts?"

"Hell yeH. You know I love Bring The Spirit! Gi MinYoon is my rOLE modLE"

"I cannot believe you still listen to Christian pop-"

"Common I know you at least think j-pope is hot."

Hoseok stayed quiet for a bit. "Well..... gOTtTa bLASt"

With that hoseok limped into the home of little Satan.

Maybe he really needs someone to Bring The Spirit if he's staying at jungkooks...

Hoseok lied on little punks couch and sighed.

"Hyung Hyung Hyung Hyung Hyung b y u n g H Y U N G HYUNG-"

"あなたは何が必要ですか" (whAt dO yOu nEed)

"Konichiwa? Hyung I don't understand Japanese."

Hoseok smiled, "あなたはばかです。" (you are an idiot)

"I know what tHAT means."

"Good. Now what do you want," almost immediately after Hoseok added "and drop the honorifics."

"You wanna play mario party?"







"Shut- wait 'Dae' means yes.."

"I know."

"Then why would you say yes?"

Jungkook plopped a controller in Hoseoks hands "Mario is ready."

"I'm not gonna play your Pokémon game."

Jungkook looked at him with otter disgust.


"Did you just call Mario 'Pokémon' ??? I'm not a little kid who plays Pokémon. I will literally end you if you disrespect me like this again." Jungkook looked at Hoseok with the full intent to kill, and the older would be lying if he said he wasn't a little scared

But he still has self respect

So he coughed his way out of the situation

"Aye Jungcock get me some water."


"Thats what I said, anyways where's your parents?"

"They're at the asian market..."

"Oh so they're in the endless pit of shopping and deals so they wont be home until late, and they're gonna make us put away a car overloaded with foods we can't even pronounce." Hoseok deadpanned.


The older of the two let out an exasperated sigh pulled out his phone.


Aye yoon this is hoses

Oh hey
What can I do for you Hoses?

Can I crash at your place?

What? Why?
I thought you were at your cousins don't bother me.

Yeah but he's being a Jungcock

So your phone can write 'Jungcock' but not 'Hoseok' 😂😂💀

Can I go over or nah

Do you even know how much you're gonna owe me in gas?



I'll pay you back

Dude I said 'No'

I'll buy dinner



Hoseok closed his phone with the satisfactory click, "I AINT staying here."

"What? But I'll be alone.." Jungguk started giving puppy eyes

"You're 14. You'll be fine."

With that Hoseok went and waited... in the cold rain... with a cast on...

Because we all hate ourselves

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