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Song: Beautiful Girl- Kim Woosung (sammy)

Kinda clowning mah boi but it's such a pretty song 🥺🤧


"Stop staring at me."

Hoseok gave a cheeky smile, "How could I stop?"

Yoongi pushed his face away, "like that."

Hoseok lazily hovered over Yoongi looking him in the eyes. The older blushed and shyly kept the eye contact.

"Yoongi you're scrumptious."

The shorter burst into a giggle, "scrumptious?" Hoseok only nodded and started working on the latter's neck, "I'm not going to give you any basic half-assed compliments, if you're scrumptious right now imma make sure to let you know I wanna eat you up! ya'know?"

Yoongi just laughed and kissed his.. boyfriend?

"Hmm well then you're always 'scrumptious' Jung Hoseok." Hoseok smirked and replied with a "is that so?"

Yoongi pecked him, "But I'm too lazy for sex." And the smaller tackled the other down and just cuddled. Hoseok laughed, "Understandable, you must be tired from getting sweet compliments all night long while you rode my-"

Yoongi slapped Hoseok's bare chest, a pink hue running on has face. "shut up."

Hoseok smiled fondly and pulled Yoongi closer. "You know we have to get up eventually right?"

Yoongi whined, "whyyy"

"Food" Hoseok counter pointed.

Yoongi groaned, "what if I love you more than dood?"

Hoseok chuckled and kissed Yoongi's forehead, "then I'm in love with a liar" Hoseok hot up and went to the kitchen.

Yoongi scoffed as he watched Hoseok's ass leaving the room. He ended up following after anyways because the bed wasn't as comfortable alone.


Yoongi back hugged Hoseok in the kitchen, "Are you gonna cook breakfas... brunch?"

Hoseok laughed, "Fuck no I'm tired as fuuu," Hoseok saw Yoongi's slightly saddened face, "Just kidding, yeah I'll cook what do you want?" Hoseok was head over heals for this boy.

Yoongi thought for a But before he whined, "I don't know..." Hoseok smiled and pecked the boys cute lips, "That's okay I'll cook whatever I think you'll want."

Yoongi smiled and plopped himself on the couch. Hoseok looked around the kitchen sighing before he started cooking.

The two ate in a comfortable silence just enjoying that they were there with each other.

Hoseok was about to break the silence when there was a knock at the door.

The two boy's heads swooshed to the door once they heard the knock, because who the fuck would just randomly be at yoongi's apartment door?

The two boy's heads swooshed to the door once they heard the knock, because who the fuck would just randomly be at yoongi's apartment door?

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It was another Hoseok.

Just kidding it was Yoongi's dad, not his daddy.

F u c k Yoongi's dad is there!

Yoongi and Hoseok rush cleaned as much as possible, more like hid as much shit in the hallway closet and in the bedroom as possible, before they opened the door.

Hoseok spotted a condom pack on the floor and casually kicked it under the couch when he was greeting the oldest male.

"Hello Dr. Min..."

Mr. Min just laughed, "Hoseok you can call me Mr. Min when we're not at the hospital ya'know" he gave an aged smile similar to Yoongi's gummy one.

Hoseok chuckled nervously, "yeah okay doc.." Hoseok doesn't know why he's so anxious, is it because Yoongi is his boyfriend now??? Anxiety why?!?! He decided to get a drink of water in the kitchen, offering a glass to the visitor who kindly declined.

Mr. Min changed the atmosphere as soon as he sat down, "So.. Hoseok... Yoongi told me the news" Hoseok choked on his water and got it in his nose. "W-What news??"

Yoongi looked down shyly, "Sorry I told him, about, you know.."

Hoseok's face burned, "oh.. uh.."

Mr. Min silenced Hoseok, "You don't have to talk, I just want to let you know it's all okay.."

Hoseok perked, "It is???" Mr. Min nodded, "The world can be tough yo people in your situation, I wanted to let you know I'm here for you to Hobi.."

Hoseok was moved, he didn't think Mr. Min would approve of his son and him dating so easily.

"And if you want to talk about it, God gave us two ears and only one mouth for a reason.."

Hoseok nodded timidly, "Thank you Mr. Min..." Yoongi's dad pulled him into a hug, "hey there, it's okay, I know dealing with deportation is probably..." Hoseok started to phase out what he was saying. 1) out of embarrassment that he sincerely though it was about him being gay and 2) because now the fact his parents are gone is really slapping him in the face.

He's really alone.

Sure he has Yoongi and his Dad but does that even count as 'real' family? Hoseok started to feel dizzy.

"Hoseok breathe!" He heard doc's voice bouncing. He turned his head nauseatingly and saw Yoongi get up with panic before he blacked out, falling from the adults grasp.


Hoseok woke up with a migraine and quickly recognized the place he's at as the hospital. He tried to sit up, only to hush a scream and give up. Which startled the Yoongi that he now noticed was laying next to him.

Yoongi Quickly wiped the drool he had on his face off and made eye contact with Hoseok.

"You broke your hip dumbass."

Hoseok looked confused, "How did that happen?"

"You fainted and landed on your hip."

Hoseok's eyes widened, he JUST got out of his cast, "Sprained, Dislocated, or fractured?"


Hoseok groaned.

And then he panicked, "What about-"

"No sex."

Hoseok's life crashed


What do you want to happen in this book?

So it's come to my attention that apparently this book is pretty popular...


Lmao tHanK yOu gUyS foR thE rEAds anD vOTes

Me: is crackhead
Also me: writes books

Also, you guys' comments are fucking hilarious so keep up the comedy


Yes I broke Hoseok's hip in vengeance for my hip

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