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So after spending too much time at Yoongis apartment like they ain't got shit to do, even though they should be rushing their asses, they left to the mall.

"So, he was like 'I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THERE WAS SPRITE IN IT!' And I was like 'Fool, what kinda Powerade is bubbly?' And he said 'Jeez let the Powerade dream.' Like, thats some dumbasses level shit. I'm so fucking done with school."

[^ actual convo I heard in the halls today]

YoonSeok kinda just watched from behind while the two sophomores shared their unintelligent humor.

"Yoongi what if the meteor that killed the dinosaurs was a UFO and WE'RE the aliens!!"

Yoongi gave him a weird look...

But the his jaw dropped "dudeeee"


The 95 line gave a "what the fuck look" and continued talking about oddly carbonated drinks.

During the time the gang was at the mall they discovered that Yoongi is a window shopper. Majorly.

Everyone has already picked out clothes for the party but yoongi still stares at everything on the mannequins before walking away.

"Yoongi, broski, are you gonna buy something or what?"

Yoongi glared at Hoseok.

"Hobi, if I'm going to you-know-who's party"

Hoseoks jaw ticked a little bit, "of course."

Yoongi tilted his head, "are you okay?"

Hoseok scoffed, "yeah, I'm fucking great. Just hurry up and find and outfit. I'll start up the car."

Hoseok stormed off, the 95 liners looking in concern.

"What's wrong with him??"

Yoongi shrugged, "I honestly have no clue..."

You Suddenly yoongi saw a clearance store, "let's check there."

☀︎ ☾

As soon as Hoseok was outside the mall he yelled at the top of his lungs.

Concerned guardians pulled their kids closer to them and judgmental teens snickered and took a different entrance.

"Stupid yoongi.. he's so fucking dense... " Hoseok was mumbling curses as he walked (more like limped with his cast) to the car.

He stared it up then made his way to passenger

That is until a girl stopped him.

A pretty sexy girl

Definitely a year or two older

"Uhh.. hi.."

Hoseok looked around, he spotted another girl, probably her friend, watching them and the girl in front of him.

"Uh... hi?"

She cleared her throat, "well uh my friend and I were wondering if we could get your Facebook or something.."

"Ah Sorry I have a girlfriend already, unless you're interested in my dance account."

"Oh my god sorry! But yeah that would be dope, I'm Hwasa and that's my friend Wheein" she pulled out her phone and let Hoseok find his account."

They had small talk and shared a few smiles, turns out the girls were actually slightly younger which surprised Hoseok but he kept silent about it

It almost made Hoseok forget that yoongi, his crush, was inside the mall window shopping to look good for someone else.

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