One: The Day They Met Pt1

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It was early, very early for Anne's likings. She woke up and looked at her phone. She gasped as she saw the date on her phone, September 4th. her first day of school. She leaped out of her bed with excitement, wondering what to wear.

"Oh! The time! Its only 7:15am and i dont have to meet diana till 8, ill have plenty of time to get ready" anne said confronting herself and reassuring herself that she will make an astounding first impression.

Anne looked at her phone once again, to check the weather to see what exactly she could wear. Anne was a very bright girl, and she knew ever so many big words. But if there was one thing she wasn't smart about, it was making a proper impression on people who didnt come from her type of background.

Anne finally picked an outfit and stayed in her pyjamas until it was nearly time to get ready for school, she took out her braids from the night before and brushed her hair.

"Anne!" A women called from downstairs, trying to get her attention and to see if she was awake.  

"Don't worry im awake Marilla!" Anne replied to her adoptive mother shouting from upstairs to downstairs. Anne ran down the stairs of a place she could now officially call her 'home'. She had her phone in the pocket of her pyjamas, she felt it vibrate ever so gently on her leg. She reached inside her pocket and took her phone out. It was a message from her bosom friend Diana, she read it ' Hi Anne. Are you up? are you excited? i know I am!' she couldnt help but smile. Anne sat down at the table for breakfast, accompanied by a sweet and kind voice " Hello Anne, you're up early arent you?"

Anne couldnt help but talk on and on about the day she planned she was going to have. "Well Matthew seen as though it is my first day at a REAL SCHOOL I think I have a right to be i don't want to be late on my first day. imagine the impression i would make for myself, and for you two, the Cuthberts i couldnt let you guys down." Anne rambled on getting, a sinister look from her adoptive mother indicating that Anne should be quiet. She looked over at her adoptive father for some comfort. Matthew just smiled, he could listen to her talk forever.

Anne ran up the stairs looking at her phone for the time, it was only 7:30, she was surprise how  quickly she had eaten her breakfast. She put on her chosen outfit and started to do her hair. Anne was so nervous that she couldnt stop gazing at her phone for the time and a message from Diana, but nothing. The time came to 7:50 and she still hadn't done her hair. She finally put her hair into a single French braid, she got her coat from her wardrobe, slipped her shoes on brushed her teeth, and ran downstairs looking at the time. Anne screamed goodbye to Marilla and Matthew and ran out of the door and out of the green gables gates. it was 8am and Diana had texted Anne to meet her at her gate before they walked to school so Diana could tell her as much as possible before they entered the much awaited school building.

"Anne!" She heard a shout from behind her and looked up from her phone. Anne ran up to her first best friend and hugged her so tight. "Are you excited Anne?" the girl continued. Anne being Anne wanted to ramble on and on for hours about how excited she actually was to start school with real friends.

"Hello Diana! Of course im excited. I just have so much going on in my mind i dont really know where to start." Anne replied to her brown haired best friend. Anne continued " Your outfit looks amazing Diana i love your top and jeans together!" Anne started but was slowly trailed out by Diana looking at her amazed.

"Your outfit though Anne. i love your dark blue jeans with that floral white top" Diana said to Anne who was looking at her phone for the time. "And your shoes  love them, Adidas air max right?" Diana realised that Anne wasn't even paying attention to her friend and that she kept glancing at her phone every 30 seconds. Anne mumbled a ' oh thankyou Diana' and finally put her phone away and stopped worrying about the time she smiled at her friend and began to ramble on about how excited she was.

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