Thirteen: What's The Point Pt2

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He was walking behind her Diana was next to her, he ran up and grabbed her by her hips and kissed her cheek. She turned so red, but laughed. "Hey little one, I know I just couldn't help it." He whispered into Anne's ear.  she couldn't resist either it was killing her too. He let go of her as they were approached their English classroom. Josie Jane ruby Tillie and Diana stood their in awe at this moment as they were already at their class room. Ruby looked down at the floor as she still liked Gilbert but didn't say anything, she was happy for her best friend.

They had all become best friends over the weekend. They all walked into the English classroom with Mr Dunlop. He had them all stand up at the back, Gilbert stood behind Anne and wrapped his hands around her waist and his head on her shoulder, they had all their friends stand in front of them so Mr Dunlop wouldn't separate them. He had sat everyone in new seats.

"No I'm not sat next to Diana anymore" Anne was really upset and she pouted without realising it Gilbert had kissed her lips and then her cheek. "Better now?" He smirked but she still wasn't happy because she wasn't sat next to her best friend. Everyone had died down from in front of the couple he let go of Anne and stood next to her.

Mr Dunlop pointed at Anne first and sat her on a table at the very back of the classroom, his classroom was 4 vertical rows of tables meant for two people. She had the chair nearest the wall and Gilbert was sat next to her. They were at the very back but Anne was lucky because Diana was sat directly in front of her and Charlie was sat directly in front of Gilbert.

"Anne you are sat at the desk near the wall at the back and it's the chair next to the wall and Gilbert in are sat next to her." She sat down first and angled herself so that her back was facing the wall and she was facing Gilbert. She smiled at him when he went to sit down and he smiled at her.

They revived some 'Whit whoos' when Mr Dunlop announced that they were sat next to each other. Diana was sat next to Charlie, Ruby was sat next to a guy called Alfie, Josie was sat next Billy, Tillie sat next to moody, and Jane was sat next to a guy named kyle.

A/N: Ect ect boy girl basically. But all the girls were sat in front of each other, all the friends were sat on the same row.

The class resumed from last lesson and because Mr Dunlop always sat at the front and used the computer and didn't really see the people at the back and it was only Gilbert and Anne on the back row of tables so maybe it meant that Mr Dunlop didn't really need to walk up and help them so if they needed another task he just told them or but it on the whiteboard.

Because they had the back row to themselves Anne put her feet up and laid them gently on Gilbert's thighs. He didn't mind because she was small and so are her legs so she wouldn't get into trouble if Mr Dunlop saw.

"Hey what you doing tonight" he said because everyone was talking about the work which they had already done so they just talked and didn't write anything because they didn't have to, they have been talking about life and almost nothing for half an hour and Anne has had her legs on Gilbert's for half an hour, Mr Dunlop didn't care about the noise, as he said he is a laid back teacher. "Uhh nothing I gotta go get my bag from Diana's then I'm gonna go chill at home, Marilla and Matthew are working so late tonight and Jerry is gonna be and his dorm with collage. It's gonna be so boring. Please come over ill need company and Marilla and tend Matthew don't get back till 9 tonight. Please babe." He laughed. "Eh do you think I asked you?" He said now playing with some of the ripped Jean on her jeans. Nobody really payed attention to the couple which they liked because over the weekend everyone was staring at then almost 24/7 except Diana she was used to this.

Class still had 20 minutes left and everyone was talking about the work, except Anne and Gilbert who were talking about what they were gonna do tonight. Diana turned around to talk to her best friend "Anne, what are you doing later?" Anne looked at Gilbert then at Diana, she put her legs down and responded "me and Gilbert are gonna watch some movies and order a pizza or something for dinner." Diana rolled her eyes but laughed. "Okay" she looked at Gilbert "What's the point?! Gilbert I've known you forever your more romantic than that?! Think" she left Anne and Gilbert confused and she left Gilbert embarrassed. "Uhh Diana..... I thought of it I just wanted a chill night I can't really be arsed it's Monday night and I literally have the house to myself until 9pm. I just wanna watch some movies."  Diana felt bad but didn't mind.

The bell finally went and they walked to their maths class with Mr Jones. They were sat in their normal places and didn't swap seats or move around. Diana was still sat next to Anne so they gossiped and talked. But she could feel Gilbert's loving gaze on her. She couldnt wait till after school.
The next few lessons dragged on and felt like forever, it finally became lunch so Gilbert and Anne walked to the canteen,

A/n: cafeteria or lunch hall or whatever I call it a canteen.

because they all had the same lesson except for Diana and Josie, it was Spanish and Diana and Josie took french, they met up with everyone and sat down at a table. It seemed like they were the most popular kids in school, everyone was looking at them and smiling and waving and talking about them, nothing mean, and it eventually stopped. Gilbert went to sit with the boys and Anne sat with the girls in their friend groups but they were still sat on the same table.

The girls gossiped about boys and dates and Ruby brought up Homecoming

A/n: guys I am British and we only have a prom so I'm going off the movies of what a homecoming is like.

Gilbert looked directly at ruby when he heard her say this then looked at charlie "Dude you forgot didn't you." Charlie said. Gilbert was so freaked that the girls talked about this, Anne didnt see Gilbert shoot an eye at ruby because he was sat next to her and Diana was talking to Anne so she didn't pay attention to what the boys were talking about.

"Ruby why are you talking about homecoming it's ages away, holy shit! Homecoming is on my birthday!" Gilbert heard this and put his chin on her shoulder "What's up babe I heard you say "Holy shit!" " he asked then kissed her cheek. "Nothing I'm just stressed that's all" she lied and Gilbert knew what she had said and smirked, because she didn't want to make a fuss about homecoming AND her birthday. "Anne its only our year, it can't be that bad." Anne rolled her eyes at Diana and Ruby talked about dresses and makeup and hair, Ruby was so good at makeup and Anne was good at hair so they made an amazing pair, Anne also had an eye for beauty and style....

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