Twentyone: Will This Day Hurry Up Pt3

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Gilbert quickly caught her before she fell the the floor.

"And that is how much trust I have for you." Anne commented knowing he wouldn't drop her. He kissed her cheek and walked over to the couch and sat down. "Wow must be a lot." He commented realising what he was about to say but didn't say it. He wanted to so bad.

"Yeah it is" she added. She sat on his lap facing him. They just talked about last night and tonight. It was time for them to head off to pick up Diana and go to school. Diana texted Anne to see where she was but didn't exactly text that. 'Anne stop making out with Gilbert. We need to go to school 😂😊'

They were already in the car when she sent that and Anne replied rather happily.

'Alright let me just take his top off then we'll come for ya 😊'

The two girls smiled at their phones and carried on texting. Anne read the messages aloud to Gilbert.

'How about he puts his top on then you come for me. 😨'

'Ah well he wants it off and so do I 😂😉'

'Oh god Anne ew 😷'

'Just kidding..... or am I 😆😏😂'

'Anne just come for me!'

'Never seen you want to go to school so badly.'


'I'm just kidding we are already at your house. He has his top on don't worry'

'Good and he better had do.'

Gilbert had his top on and they both waited in the car. The door opened and a very happy but annoyed Diana sat down.

"God you two." Diana said looking St the two of them staring at each other.

"What?" Anne said.

"What you done to be all lovey dovey?"

"You really wanna know Diana" Gilbert added not minding all the details but knowing that Diana didn't want to.

"Ew.     Never mind." Diana tried not to think of what they have done. The couple laughed. Anne changed the subject to her party.

"Told ya you didn't wanna know" Gilbert added.

"Anyway..... so who's coming tonight. Me, you, Diana, Ruby, Tillie, Josie, Jane, Charlie, moody, Prissy, who else I know there's more people."Anne changed the subject as she was getting annoyed.

"Urm maybe Billy" Diana said regretting saying it.

"Billy Andrews no way I don't care if his sisters are going, he is not coming." Anne shouted.

"He might be nice" Diana added trying to calm her best friend.

"Babe I know what Billy did to you but when it comes to a party and his sisters are invited and he isn't, he will be worse. He is always nice to the person having the party. And he will be drunk." Gilbert said putting his hand on her thigh to relax her. They had arrived at school early so they just talked in the car.

"I don't know....." Anne looked down at his hand.

"Anne come on you'll be drunk too" Diana added.


They walked into the building and walker to their lockers. The trio were invaded by all of their close friends greeting them and talking about the party.

"Hi Anne!" The girls said.

"Hi Bro!" Charlie said to Gilbert.

"Sup bud. Hi Anne" Billy said shocking Anne of what he had called her.

"I'm not your bud." Gilbert responded shocked aswell.

"Woah woah woah. What gotten into you Billy?" Diana said also very shocked. Everyone else weren't that shocked as Gilbert actually frightened Billy.

"Ur nothing." He said looking confused.

"Anne can I talk to you a minute." Ruby asked. Anne nodded and they walked to the girls bathroom.

"What is it Ruby?"

"Well I have a friend that I have known almost all my life, he is like a brother to me."

"Okay?" Anne asked looking confused.

"His name is Cole." Ruby added.

"Oh wait is he the amazing artist in our art class?"

"Yeah that's him" Ruby laughed soon being joined by Anne.

"Do you wanna invite him to the party?" Anne asked the obvious.

"Yeah but there's one more thing."

"Yeah what is it?" Anne said happy that she has one more guest.

"Urmmm........ He doesn't like girls"

"What I'm confused......." it took Anne a minute to realise what Ruby actually meant. "Ohhhh he doesn't like girls. He likes boys. Okay sure do people know?"

"Yeah he likes boys. I know but that's it. He kinda only has me as a friend and I want him to make some more friends. Get to know more people. He is kinda been lonely. His parents are very homophobic but he hasn't told them yet. He is ashamed and he shouldn't feel like that. He needs to make some more friends." Ruby looked relieved to tell someone and get him known.

"Oh that must be awful. He should be who he wants to be and everyone should accept that. He should be allowed to go down his own path. He should be himself and not someone his parents want him to be."

Ruby looked so happy. "Oh Anne that's amazing. Now can you invite him to your party and tell him that exact same thing. Actually I'll invite him, make friends with him before then, maybe at lunch?"

Anne remembered that she had to talk about homecoming with Miss Stacey. She wanted to meet him so bad. They all headed to their first lesson.

The day loomed on and Anne went to Miss Stacey's room to talk about homecoming.

"Hello Miss Stacey how's the homecoming decorations going, almost here?"

"Hello Anne and yes they are. They are all here. We just need to plan out the room and then we will be done. The process is very quick and this is the quickest it's ever been. I'm sure it will be amazing Anne." They both smiled and Anne said that she will come back next week to sort out the plan.

She left Miss Stacey's room and met up with everyone for lunch. They had already met Cole. Anne didnt want to make a bad impression. Gilbert and Diana covered for her whilst she was gone.

"Hello you must be Cole"

"Yes and you must be Anne. Everyone has already told me so much about you."

"they have?" She shot a glance at everyone and smiled. She sat down and took a deep breath out.

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