Four: Hello beautiful Girl

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The morning came and it was too early to get up, as Diana's little sister stomped her way through the halls she woke the fast asleep trio and they all groaned and went back to sleep for a few hours more.

It came 9am and Anne had started to wake up realising what happened the night before and didn't want to change a thing. She looked at her phone to see what time it was she was started to see how many messages she had got and how many posts she was tagged in aswell. She rummaged through her phone, as she couldn't get back to sleep, and looked at all the pictures from last night's events.

She had screenshotted one of them, which was her and Gilbert sleeping, which was so cute even for her to admit, and she cropped it and made it her lock screen and home screen. A few minutes later she felt Gilbert turning over looked over at him, he was start it to wake up and he sat up. "Hello beautiful Girl" he smiled and leaned in for a kiss. They kissed and greeted each other and was cuddling waiting for Diana to wake up. They were watching a Netflix program together on Anne's phone.

She heard Diana start to move and groan and she finally woke up. The couple were too busy watching Netflix that they ignored her and carried on cuddling and at this moment Gilbert had undone Anne's messy bun and started playing with her hair a little, it was his new favourite thing to do. Diana sat up and saw the couple and instantly knew from the words on the show, was they were watching "Oh fuck my eyes out better just be watching Netflix and not chilling." Diana exclaimed and received laughs from Anne and Gilbert who turned the face the only just awoken Diana. "Pleas ed you are don't do it in bedroom, you both know we have life 5 spares." Diana grumbled and looked at the time.

"So I'm hungry but I can't be arsed making food" Gilbert started Anne and Diana agreed and they all got our of the beds and started to get ready. Gilbert however didn't want Anne to leave him and go get ready so he grabbed her waist and pulled her back to where he was lying down "not so fast little one" he started as Diana groaned and got changed and Anne just screamed a happy scream and laughed. "Well I was going to go get changed so I can go and get some food but you dragged me back here." They both laughed and to each others surprise Anne was lying on top of Gilbert and they were just talking. Anne started to leave again to get dressed but was pulled back one last time for a quick kiss.

They were all dressed and ready for the day coming up.

A/n: I totally forgot that ruby had thrown let's say lemonade at Anne. So let's say that Anne dried herself off and cleaned herself up at Josie's and took a quick shower at Diana's before going anywhere 😂😊.

Anne was wearing ripped jeans and a light blue sort of ripped top, Diana was wearing a pair of dark blue shorts and a pink top that had some french on it, and Gilbert wore the same as last night which was grey skinny jeans and a plain black top. Anne put her hair in her normal french braids, and brushed her teeth. She asked the question which was on everyone's mind "Where the hell are we going for breakfast then?" Diana shrugged her shoulders and so did Gilbert. "I didn't get dressed and have and shower to not know where I'm going for breakfast, I'm starving." Gilbert laughed and Diana was used to Anne's hangry behaviour, usually waiting for lunch to come at school, "she's normally like this in and morning, grouchy, hungry and tired " Diana added but Gilbert didn't mind, he was the same.

"How about we go to McDonald's" Gilbert questioned Diana agreed but and didn't "It's not what I'm craving thought" Anne said and she flopped onto the bed almost crushing Gilbert. "Well then what are you craving" he said kissing her cheek. "How the fuck am I supposed to know, I'm hungry that's all" Diana and Gilbert just laughed, Anne was certainly funny when it was that time of month and Gilbert didn't mind, he could get used to it and that's eat he was going to do.

After a long few minutes of debating what to have they decided to go to McDonald's drive thru and get breakfast. The girls was lucky Gilbert had a car and lived close to Diana, there was no point in driving it to school when their school was only round the corner. "Well let's walk to mine and I'll get my car and we'll go to McDonald's." They walked to Gilbert's house, grabbing his keys and getting in the car.

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