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Once they were both ready for bed it was around 10pm and Star was already fast asleep by the time Marco was in bed. He switched the light off and whispered goodnight to Star.

~The Next Morning~

Marco woke up extra early so he could have a shower when Star wasn't in there.

..*... (sorry about the amount of time skips, I don't want this to drag on and be boring.)

Marco came out of the shower when he heard a female hum from the bedroom, so he guessed Star was awake. He dried himself off and threw on some clothes, before leaving the bathroom and seeing Star straightening her hair, still humming gently.

"Hey Marco," she said without even turning around.

"Morning Star, how long have you been awake?"

"About 10 minutes, why?" She put her straighteners down and unplugged them.

"I'm just asking, do you have class with me first?" Marco said with a clear hint of hope in his voice.

"Yeah, I think so, check our timetables."

Star began to put on a thin layer of foundation while Marco compared their timetable.

"We do!"

"Cool," Star said softly.

"Are you okay, Star? You seem a little... off..."

"You don't know me well enough to ask that..." Star turned around and grinned, "but I'm fine."

"Okay... Hurry up, you have 5 minutes and I'm leaving without you."

"Okay, Okay, I'm done," she pulled a jacket over her black crop-top and followed Marco out the door.

"We have English," Marco said grimly as they turned the corner.

"Do you think anyone would notice if we just didn't turn up?"

"Probably, yes."

Star huffed angrily and walked in front of Marco, "I can't be bothered."

"Then you shouldn't have come to university," Marco shrugged.

Star turned around and stopped dead in her tracks, almost causing Marco to bump into her, "listen, Marco- whatever your second name is, I had no choice but to come here, and if you hate me that much, I'll ask for a room change."

Star turned around and continued to walk, leaving Marco standing in shock.

"Star! Wait, I was joking," Marco shouted after her and tried to catch up.

"Marco, I get it, you don't like me, we are probably not going to get along well anyway, I will ask to change rooms,"

"I thought all the other rooms were full," Marco said smugly.

"There may be other rooms in the boys dorms..."

"Star, stay with me, we will get along fine, don't worry," Marco said as they reached the classroom.

"Okay, Marco, but stop being smug with me..."

"Okay, Okay."


Marco sat with his head in his hands, Star was next to him, fiddling with a mirror, clearly trying to check her make-up was looking nice. They waited for the teacher to arrive. Marco eyed up Katie in the crowd of students and got her attention, beckoning her over.

"Hey Katie," Marco said as she sat down next to him, "do you have any idea where Jackie is now?"

"Nope, I know she has maths next though..." She said quietly while looking at Star.

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