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A few weeks passed, and Jackie was nowhere to be seen, and this allowed Star and Marco to become closer than ever.

"Star, its Sunday tomorrow, am I right?" Marco turned his phone off and looked over at Star, she was twirling her hair around her fingers nervously.

Star jumped, "yeah, why?"

"I would like to take you somewhere," Marco said simply and then got up, heading to his wardrobe and pulling out some clothes.

Star was shocked, "What? where?"

He put his index finger over his lips and headed into the bathroom.

Weird, Star thought to herself, she shook the thought from her mind and turned on the tv, before getting changed into her pajamas.


"What do you wanna watch?" Marco said as he flicked through the channels.

"I don't mind," Star got comfortable in her bed and turned to face Marco.

Marco yawned, "I think I'm just gonna go to bed."

"Same," Star smiled and turned off the lights.

~Time Skip~ :)

"Marco! Wake up!" Star woke Marco up, she was clearly excited, she was already ready for wherever Marco was taking her.

And even Marco thought she looked very beautiful...

"Okay, Okay, Star I'm awake, give me a minute," Marco snickered as Star twirled around next to him.


"Why are we going to the park?" Star was a little disappointed, she thought he was taking her to some overly special place.

Marco yawned, he was still half-asleep, "don't be disappointed, we're not there yet," he said smugly.

They walked down a short path and were brought to a small woodland, it had a tiny pond which was surrounded by trees. The pond was being lit up by the sunrise. Dragonflies skimmed the water, leaving water trails behind them.

Star gasped as they arrived in the area, "this place is beautiful, how did you find this?"

"I was wandering around, and I found it."

Star grinned.

"I come here when I simply want to think, although I don't get much time alone," he cleared his throat, "for obvious reasons," he hinted to Star.

Star shoved his arm.

They shared funny stories of their past and Star was in a fit of giggles by the end of it.

"Wait! And one more thing," Marco calmed himself down, "I remember clearly the time when I had to dance with some random girl at a ball because Janna dared me to!" Marco laughed, before noticed Star's blank expression.

"What?" Star had to check she heard everything correctly, he couldn't be talking about the blood moon ball, humans can't go there, but now she thought about it, those eyes, they looked very similar to the persons whom she danced with.

Marco cleared his throat, "Janna did this weird thing with a bell she stole from her friend, if you ask me, her friend is pretty odd, and we got this carriage to some castle and there we found out Janna's friend actually was a demon, believe it or not, he tried to kill me, for taking his dance or something" Marco chuckled as he tried to not sound crazy.

Star went pale she felt herself go cold, It was Marco, she danced with Marco at the blood moon ball!

"Marco, who did you dance with?" Star was shaken.

"She kind of looked like you, believe it or not, I enjoyed dancing with her, guess I'll never find her," he shrugged.

"Did you happen to wear a skull mask and a hat that night?"

Marco nodded and frowned, that's when he clicked, he stood up and pointed at her.

"I-It was you? What?"

Star giggled, "I guess the blood moon was right, we did meet again."

"You dated a demon!?" Marco started to shout.

"Shush, Marco!" Star hushed him and continued, "no comment," she closed her eyes and turned her nose up at him.

He sat back down on the rock and put his head in his hands, he pinches himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming "t-that means, you're my soulmate?"

Star flushed a dark shade of red, "I wouldn't go that far."

"Oh, shame, I thought I felt something when I danced with you that night," he looked disappointed.

"Me too, but there is something else I need to tell you, something important, if you promise not to tell anyone, or think I'm crazy."

"Nothing can get crazier tonight!"

Star shook her head, she pulled her wand out from her bag, she had been carrying it around with her since day one.

"What? Is that?"

"A wand, I'm a princess, and that world you went to, was the underworld, you were not supposed to be there," Star laughed.

Marco gawped, "my life is weird."

"Actually, soon, I have to go back to my homeland, mewni and I have to marry a random prince and become queen, but until then." Star didn't regret telling Marco everything, she trusted him enough.

"Can't you rule alone?" Marco shrugged.

"I guess not." Star let out a small sigh.

"Well, we better make the most of your time here, Star." Marco sounded a little sad, and Star felt herself break a little inside...

Star nodded.

"Anyway, you know I don't bring girls here, often, actually, you're the first..."

"Hmm?" Star tilted her head to the side.

"You know what I mean right?" Marco grabbed the small of Star's waist and pulled her over to him, Star wrapped her arms around his waist.

Their faces were inches apart now, Star could feel his hot breath on her face, she gulped, nervously.

Marco put his index finger under her chin and lifted her head up so she was looking directly into his eyes. Star leaned in, and Marco did the same.


I hope you are enjoying so far! This chapters a special one, as you may see x)

Anyway, I'm lacking inspiration at the moment, so leave some ideas if you have any, and ill be sure to write again soon, so until then, see you soon xx

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