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"Thanks, Marco!" Star said as she took the papers from Marco after he had finished telling her about the rules.
She examined them carefully and then compared her timetable to Marco's.
"Hey! Looks like we have some classes together!"
Marco took the papers, finally glad to have someone who he knows in his class, "great, Star!"

Marco's phone vibrated in his pocket, "give me a second, Star," Marco said as he took out his phone.

It was a message from Jackie.

Jackie- Hey Marco, are you meeting us at the cafeteria same time tomorrow?

Marco- Yeah, but I have a roommate now :)

Jackie- That's cool, are they okay?

Marco- Yeah, but she will be with me tomorrow...

Jackie- She?? And that's fine.

Marco realised he hadn't asked Star why she was in the boys dorm... "Hey, Star, why are you in the boys dorm?"

Star looked up from her own phone, "Oh! Its because the girls dorm was full."

Marco nodded and told Jackie why she was in the boys dorm.

Once Marco was finished with Jackie, he looked over at Star, who was now dressed in her everyday clothes and was braiding her hair in the mirror next to her bed, "Is there anything you would like to do in particular, Star?"

"Sleep," Star jumped on her bed and lay down, making herself as small as possible.

Marco smiled and sat down on his own bed, he thought Star was a nice addition to his room, she didn't seem too annoying and was pretty cheerful.

"Marco? Is time time to eat yet?" Star uncurled herself and sat up.

"You just said you wanted to sleep, and I've just eaten, but I'm happy to take you to get food," Marco smiled happily.

"Okay," Star got up and opened the door

Marco showed his new blonde friend to the cafeteria, there was hardly any people left in there, and they didn't even have to queue to get food.

"Thanks Marco," Star tried to say with her mouth full of bread and ham.

"Your welcome, Star."


Marco watched Star as she brought her knees to her chest and began to rock.

"Is something bothering you?" Marco asked sheepishly.

"No it's just-."

There was a single knock on the door, "Sorry Star, let me get that."

Marco opened the door, Jackie was standing outside.

"Hey, Marco, can I come in?" Jackie twirled her hair around her finger and smiled genuinely.

"Ummm, sure what's up?" Marco opened the door a little wider so Jackie could walk through, and then closed the door behind her.

"I just wanted to talk to you, I doubt we will see much of each other when classes start tomorrow." Jackie looked over at Star, who was carefully inspecting her.

"Oh! Jackie, this is Star, she's my new roommate." Marco walked over to Star and patted her back, making her jump a little.

Star got up and held out her hand for Jackie to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Star, your hair is gorgeous!"

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