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Star sat in the small metallic room, staring at the bars. She felt like she was in prison, technically, she was, but that wasn't the point.

Ludo came down to her minutes later and smiled at her evilly.

"Hey, princess," he said quietly.

"What do you want, Ludo," Star growled and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Nothing, I have to show you something," he brought out a key and a pair of metal handcuffs.

"What is it?" Star whispered as Ludo unlocked the cage and tied the handcuffs around her wrists, they were tight, and she felt them dig into her pale skin.

"You'll see," Ludo dragged her through the empty cells and up some stone stairs.

It was a lot warmer upstairs and better decorated, but it was nothing like her castle at home. The walls were stone and everything was dimly lit. Star saw something she thought she'd never see...It was Marco, he was sitting in a chair, and it seemed like he was sleeping.

"What the hell!" Star screamed.

"I brought him along, thought you might want to see him, but maybe not eh?" Ludo beckoned a large grey lizard over.

"You two are working together now?" Star looked at the two disgusting creatures.

They both nodded and the lizard- Toffee- walked over to Marco, and cut the rope that attached him to the chair. He hit the floor face first and that woke him up.

"What!" Marco shouted as he lifted his head off the floor, a huge reddish-grey bruise had formed on his forehead, he clutched it in pain.

"Ouch," Toffee flinched and then began to laugh.

"Marco!" Star lunged forward, but was held back by Ludo holding the metal chain that attached the handcuffs together, she winced as they cut into her skin.

"S-Star, what happened?"

"Marco, everything will be fine, I promise!" Star tried to sound positive, but she couldn't help but doubt her own words.

"Take him to the cells," Toffee turned to Ludo.

"What about the princess?" Ludo asked.

"Leave her here," Toffee paused, "and take her phone if she has it on her."


"Where is the wand?" Toffee threatened Star, she had taken Marco's place on the chair and was still wearing the deadly handcuffs.

"I'm... not telling you," Star whimpered as she turned away from Toffee.

He brought his face close to hers, and she could feel him breathe on her face, his breath wasn't warm like a normal being, it was cold, stone cold and it sent shivers down her spine.

"Tell me where it is, or you won't leave this chair."

Star gave in, she knew what Toffee was capable off, and wasn't planning on testing him, " it's in my dorm room, inside my bag," Star sighed in defeat.

"Good, now, you can go back to your cell."

Ludo took her back downstairs, to where Marco was and threw her in a cell next to him, he took her handcuffs off and locked the door.

"Star!" Marco ran to the bars.

Star didn't react to him, she wanted to go home, she should have never come to earth, now Marco was going through this with her. All he wanted was an education. Not this!

"Marco..." She grieved, "I'm sorry, but I promise I will get you out of here, even if I have to rot in this cell."

"Star, we will get out together, look at me."

Star objected and turned around.


Star woke up with a start, the first thing she noticed was Toffee, he was sitting on a chair in front of her cell with a notebook.
"Your awake," toffee chuckled and hissed, "I have your wand, Ludo is starting the bonding process, it will be done tomorrow."
"And then you will let us go?" Star pleaded and clasped her hands together.
"Not exactly," Toffee smiled evilly, "I want you to become one of us, and Marco can go."
"I would never become one of you, I'm not that low," Star grunted.
Toffee slammed the notebook on the floor and stood up.
"Look at me Butterfly!"
Star looked into his bright yellow eyes and frowned something seemed to hit her at that moment, it wasn't a physical hit, it was more like an energy. It felt like she was complete.
Star chuckled, "fine then, let me out, and I will serve your every wish."
Toffee smiled, "I always knew you had it in you, you're different than the other butterfly's, Star."

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