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"Hey Star," Marco spoke softly as he approached the girls bed.

"Hi, Marco, you okay?" Star smiled, she was clearly more comfortable in his presence.

"I'm fine, but what about you?"

"I feel a lot better, but I just want to talk to you," Star smiled happily and sat up.

Marco sat at the bottom of her bed, "about what?"

"Nothing in particular,"

"Star, are you okay with telling me where you come from, and why you were late for university?"

Star nodded, "I come from America, and I had to fly a long way, that's why I'm late," she felt bad for lying about her big secret, but she couldn't tell him, not just yet...

"Oh," Marco was confused, but dared not ask any more questions.

"What time is it?" Star looked around for her phone.

"It's about 1pm."

"Wow, I should get up," Star massaged her forehead gently.

"It's no biggie, you can stay in bed."

"But I don't want to now, I want to go to the park, I need some fresh air," Star got up and quickly grabbed some clothes.

"While I'm changing, will you make some nachos?" Star smiled hopefully.

Marco nodded and went into the small kitchen space.


They arrived at the park once again, Star was wearing a white tank top and a blue skirt with striped tights, a white jumper was tighter neatly around her waist. Marco was in his red hoodie and black jeans, as usual.

They sat on the same bench they did last time and stared into the distance.

"Marco, thanks," Star said quietly.

"Hmm? For what?"

"You helped me last night, when I was nervous about dancing. And when I was sick this morning,"" she sighed.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Star, your my best friend, it's what I do," Marco chuckled and patted her shoulder.

"Jackie, she... she's lucky to have you," Star turned around and grinned at Marco.

Marco nodded politely and messed with his hair awkwardly.

"Hey, can we go back to our room, I have homework," Star broke the silence that had consumed them.

"Sure, I can help you," Marco got up and waited for Star to follow behind him.

"Thanks, but you've done enough, take a break."


Marco and Star met Jackie in the corridor.

"Hey guys, Jackie said coolly and waved.

"Hey Jackie," Marco hugged her affectionately.

Star stood in silence as she watched the pair share interactions, until they kissed goodbye and went back to their rooms.

Star went straight into the bathroom without saying anything to Marco.

Weird, he thought to himself.

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