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Marco opened the door for Star and she walked in, collapsing on her bed.

"Jesus, Star, why did you drink that?" Marco huffed sharply and grabbed a packet of make-up wipes from Star's beside draw.

Star hiccupped and looked over at Marco as he sat next to her.

"I don't know..." Star said as Marco took out a wipe and passed it to her.

"Thanks," Star took the wipe and began to take off her make-up.

Marco went into the bathroom to change into his pajamas.

He came back into the bedroom and Star was already changed and ready for bed, he had no idea how she did it so fast, but he didn't care.

Marco climbed into bed and thought about how ill Star would be in the morning. He kind of felt sorry for her.

Star yawned and they both fell asleep.


"Morning, Star," Marco had surprisingly (or not) woken up before Star for once.

There was no answer. He looked over and saw Star, she was pale and had her hands over her head.

"Oof," she said quietly and pulled the blanket over her head.

Marco chuckled and got out of bed, he checked his phone, he had a lot of missed calls.

They were all from Jackie, she must've been pretty angry about him dancing with Star last night.

He called her number, she answered almost instantly.

"Hey, Jackie," he said nervously.

"What happened to last night, we were supposed to be dates, Marco," she sounded pretty unsettled.

Marco felt bad, "I'm sorry Jackie, but Star needed me last night, can I make it up to you?"

She sighed, "fine, you want to get breakfast in 10?"

"Sure, let me check on Star, shes pretty unwell, you shouldn't of let her drink last night."

Jackie laughed, "it was fun though."

Marco rolled his eyes, even though Jackie couldn't see him do it "See you later Jackie."

"Bye Marco!" Jackie sounded like she had cheered up and she hung up.

"Star?" Marco peered over at Star, she groaned in response.

"You want breakfast?" He offered.

Star nodded gently.

Marco rushed into the kitchen and cooked up bacon and eggs, before bringing her the plate and helping her sit up.

"Are you going out with J-Jackie, today?" She managed to get out.

"If you feel okay enough in a few minutes, I might."

Star clutched her forehead and winced in pain, "ill be fine, go, Marco."

Marco shook his head, "I can't leave you..." he sighed, "not when you're like this."

"Last night was fun though," Star smiled at the thought of her dancing with Marco.

"I know," Marco chuckled and went into the kitchen to grab Star a tablet for her headache.

"Here," Marco passed her the medication and some water and she took it gratefully.

Marco nodded and went into the bathroom to put on some clothes.

He came back in to find Star lying down and the plate and cup were on the floor, he picked them up and transported them to the sink.

"I'm going to take a nap, Marco, feel free to go with Jackie now."

"As long as your sure, Star, you have my number right, call me whenever," Marco covered Star up.

Star shook her head, "I don't have your number..."

"Oh!" Marco picked up Star's phone and typed in his number.

"Thanks, see you later."

Marco waved at Star and went to Jackie's dorm.


Marco was sitting at a table with Jackie and she was playing with his fingers across the table.

Marco was on edge the entire time though, he was worried about Star.

"You okay, Marco?" Jackie looked at him sympathetically.

"I'm fine, I just hope Star is okay..."

"She'll call you, Marco don't worry."

Marco nodded, this relived him a little.


Marco's phone started to ring as they left the restaurant.

Marco began to panic as he fiddled with his phone and answered it.

"Hey, Marco - I-its Star," Star sounded exhausted.

"Hey, Star, you okay?"

"I think so, but will you come back?" Star coughed loudly.

"Yeah, I'll be there in literally 5 minutes."

He hung up and turned to Jackie, "I have to go."

He picked up his pace and headed back to the dorm.

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