Infection and Pregnancy

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"Abel," a voice called out. I moaned as I rolled over in bed. I opened my eyes and stared at the door.

"Abel," the voice cried out again. I got out of bed realizing that it was Fili's voice. I pulled my robe over myself. I opened the door to find Kili sitting up on the couch rubbing his eyes.

I went to our bedroom door and opened it. There I found Fili sitting up. He was huddled over and had his hand over his shoulder.

"Fili," I whispered. I went to his side. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"It hurts," he cried. I began to undo the bandages to find that the wound was still bleeding and that there was indeed an infection. The skin surrounding the injury was puffy and was beginning to get swollen. I then put my hand over Fili's forehead and felt that he was warm I looked Fili in the eyes. I knew what I had to do and I didn't want him to be awake for it.

"Try to go to bed," I suggested. He nodded his head and laid back in the bed. I made sure his eyes were closed before I left him.

I went to the kitchen and began to boil a pot of water. I was going to have to get rid of the infection, and that meant hot boiling water. After I dabbed the wound with warm water, then I was going to have to close it up. I knew that this whole process was going to belong. When the water reached the boiling point, I poured the water into a bowl. I grabbed a rag and then made my way into the bedroom.

Fili was asleep. I put the bowl on the ground and dunked the rag into it. I went to my sewing kit and grabbed a needle and white thread. I threaded the needle and got prepared to sew his wound up.

"Is he okay," Kili asked as he entered the room. I looked over to find Kili still in a tired mood. I knew that Kili was going to have work tomorrow, but I also needed his help with keeping Fili still.

"Kili, you can help me, or you can go back to your house and get some sleep," I replied. Kili suddenly woke up at my words and nodded his head.

"What can I do to help?"

"Okay, so I want you to hold him still. I'm going to dab his wounds in hot water and then sew him up. He's going to be screaming, but I need you to bear with me."

With that Kili got up onto the bed and held onto his brother. I grabbed the hot rag that instantly burned my fingers. I quickly threw the cloth onto Fili's wound. Fili woke up and began to scream. Kili was trying his best to hold him down. I grabbed the rag and repeatedly wiped the wound. Kili turned him over so I could get the other side of the injury. Over Fili's pained screams I stayed calm and made sure that every centimeter of that wound was touched by boiling water. When I was done, I threw the hot rag on the floor and grabbed the needle and thread. I began to sew his wounds to prevent any further bleeding. By the time I was halfway through with sewing up his wounds, he had passed out. Kili let go of his brother and watched me sew his wound. My suturing skills had weakened, but I was glad that I still knew how to do it. When I was done, we turned him over so I could suture the back side. The wound was difficult to suture because it was just rather one large hole and not one nice cut. I managed to do my best. It was instead a bloody mess, and I knew that it was a shameful process. I finally was done, and we laid Fili back to his normal position.

I took this time to gather up as many bandages as I could and began to wrap his shoulder up. I then put his arm across his chest and covered that in bandages so he wouldn't be able to move it and tear out his stitches.

When I was done with the shoulder, I uncovered his leg which was beginning to heal. To my surprise, the wound didn't have any signs of infection. I examined the wound I realized that the scratches were just small and that it didn't do much damage. I wrapped his leg up in new bandages.

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