Chapter 1 "First Day At Work"

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"First day at work"
I open the last box and pull out of it a photo of my graduation, a photo with my family, and some other personal stuff. I put them on top of my drawer and then I lay in the bed and sigh. "It's going to be a long day in the next 40 minutes" I whisper to myself, I get up and get in the shower.
When I'm done, I eat a quick breakfast and walk out of the apartment; I'm going to do my ED residency at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center. I enter the automatic doors of the ED and I catch the warm air from the inside as I step in. "Hello, I'm looking for someone called Ms. Goodwin" I say to a nurse who is in the ED reception. "Of course, I'll page her" she says and pulls out a small device. "She'll be down in a minute" she continues, I nod and sit in the waiting area.
After a few minutes later a medium size woman stands in front of me. "Hello, I'm Ms. Goodwin, director of this hospital" she introduces herself and extends her and to shake it, I shake her hand. "I'm Lauren Wood, I got my residency here" I explain "Oh, of course, your stuff are in the doctors lounge" she says "And also today you'll be with Dr. Halstead" she continues, I nod and follow her to the doctors lounge. She leaves and I enter the room and see at the end a locker with my uniform hanging from a hook, I grab it and head to the bathroom to change. I walk out of the bathroom and put my clothes on the hook and then another doctor walks in "Hi" I say shyly "Hello..." he looks at my name on the shirt "Dr. Wood" he continues "I'm Dr. Connor Rhodes" he says and extends his hands, I shake it and then I take a good look at him, tall, dark hair, grey eyes and a beautiful smile. "We have to get to work now" I say "Sure" he says and then I leave.
"Excuse me" I say and the nurse looks at me "I'm looking for Dr. Halstead" I say "He's over there" and she points at a tall, ginger hair doctor entering the ED with another doctor. "Thank you mmm..." I cut off weirdly "April, April Sexton" she continues "Thank you" I say again.
"Dr. Halstead, a trauma patient on the way, treatment 2 is open!!" a nurse yells "Ok Maggie, got it!" he yells back, "Dr. Wood, with me" he says at me I nod and then we wait for the patient, they rush him in. "Multiple chest wounds, unresponsive, on the way a dose of medicine for the pain" a paramedic tells us, we take him to treatment 2 "Ok move him, 1, 2, 3." Dr. Halstead says, we all move him "Take the board out" I say and we gently take it out. We find he has multiple gunshots, I turn him around gently to see if they are any exit holes, they aren't. "A stat chest x-ray" I say and we all move aside "Clear!" I shout, they take the x-ray and we observe he has the bullets on his chest. "Page the OR!" Dr. Halstead says, they wheel him out of the treatment room and they take him straight to the OR. I take off the gloves and then I drop them in the Hazardous basket, "Nice job in there" Dr. Halstead compliments "Thanks, not bad for a resident" I blush
After a few more hours, I go to the cafeteria for my 20 minute break, I order a garden salad and a water bottle. I sit on one of the empty tables, I'm about to eat when Connor stands in front of me. "Is this seat taken?" he asks "No, wanna join?" I ask him, he nods and then sits in front of me. I start eating and he just stares at me with his grey eyes while he eats, I look at him and he breaks the silence. "You have a beautiful smile"

My god, is he flirting with me? What should I do?  I think

"Thanks" I say awkwardly "So I was wondering, do you wanna go to Molly's for some drinks?" he asks "Mm, sure" I affirm "Ok, meet you in the doctors lounge at 8" he says and finishes his food and then leaves.

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